Chapter 6

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Eyes flashed open, and Sunny was greeted by a beautiful twilight sky with its vibrant colors of orange and darkness mixed together, creating a breathtaking scene before him as the sun dipped down into the air, filling the atmosphere with warm rays of dim light. He isn't sure what or where exactly he is at the moment, but there is one thing he is sure off:

His clearly lucid dreaming!

The sound of birds chirping through the forest surrounded him while the gentle breeze caressed his face, making him smile from the calm serenity of the moment. This must be heaven, he thought to himself, feeling his heart filled with joy and gratitude that he could experience something like this, even if only for a brief moment in time. And suffice it to say, he is going to enjoy this to the fullest.

No one is going to stop him from doing so. Birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, the wind is blowing gently, and the sun is shining brightly. What more could he ask for? This is the perfect dream, and Sunny is not going to let go of it easily.

It's as if he were in paradise, although wasn't he already in one? Excluding going to the academy, The Ark is a place full of wonders and technology that has surpassed the imagination of the people who lived before the great apocalypse.

But here, in this dreamscape, he is free to do whatever he wants without fear of punishment or loneliness. He can run, jump, and fly wherever he pleases. Moreover, everything here feels so real to the point of touching the foliage below his hands; the leaves crinkle under his fingers, and the sensation was so vivid that he was convinced it was real.

The power to lucid dream is such an awesome  ability, in his opinion. It could transport him to any place he desired and be whoever he wished to be, even if just for a short while. He could be anyone, in any world. In this imaginative place, Sunny had become a living god, where his will is the law and no one can deny him.

"So what should I be today?" He mused to himself, "A knight, perhaps?" How about a wizard? Or probably some kind of heroic figure who saves the damsel in distress, or maybe a pirate, he thought as he began to imagine the image of a fearsome-looking pirate with an eye patch and a wooden leg, a parrot on his shoulder.

Anything is possible in the dream, and this is when the first of the dreams started to crumble away after hearing the familiar, feminine voice he had become so recognized with.

"It's good to see you again, beloved."

Her voice is so sweet and melodious, reminding him of the sweetest song he has ever heard. The young woman who now stood before him, an individual full of mystery that was yet to be discovered, as Sunny calmly stood up from the ground.

"You?" He questioned, blinking rapidly to regain his focus, "What are you doing here?" While he does not mind this mysterious person invading his dreams, he is still suspicious but curious to know who or what exactly she is. But truth be told, she is simply a figment of his imagination.

While she lacks any human facial features with the exception of her eyes, it doesn't stop him from sensing her smile. "I would say the same thing to you, beloved." She answered, her voice like the sweetest melody he has ever heard, "For I am your dream and your reality." She explained, her hands reaching out to him, "Will you hold them for me like before, Sunny?"

Standing on a cliff where the entire forest is below them, he isn't sure if he should do it again, but knowing this is nothing more than a dream, he won't try being comforted by someone once in a while. "Sure, if you say so," he replied, hesitantly reaching out to her and placing his own hands within her palms. "I'll never let you fall, my love," she whispered softly, kissing the top of his head, "and I'll always be here for you." The words were like a warm blanket enveloping him, making him feel safe and secure.

Shocked, "Hold on a minute!" Taking a couple of steps backwards, "I know you are just part of my dream, but I'm starting to believe you're more than that, too," he confessed. "You've been here every time I close my eyes, and I can't help but wonder, who or what exactly are you?" The question that still lingered in his head ever since she came to him was, "I mean..." he stuttered, "do you have a name?"

The woman smiled sadly. "Name...?" She paused for a moment. "I don't have one." It was clear from her tone that this revelation hurt her deeply. "But you can call me whatever you want," she offered gently. "I am yours after all," her tender tone of voice made him feel a warmth he had never experienced before. "It's the least you can do for me," the words lingering in the air between them. "Sunny?" She asked softly, "What would you like to call me?"

He hesitated for a moment. "Hmm..." He murmured, "How about Hope?" No wait, probably something else? Perhaps related to the cosmos due to how she appears like the universe itself. Truth be told, it's beginning to get complicated now, but he doesn't mind naming her whatever he wants: "Celestial." He grinned widely at his own creation, "I like the sound of it," not a bad name if he said so himself.

Giggling softly at his choice, nodding slowly, "yes, I like it too," she agreed, smiling brightly as if she had just received the greatest gift ever given by a human being. "Celestial it shall be," she repeated, her voice lilting with joy. "And you are free to call me anything you wish as well, Sunny," she added, wrapping her arms around him tightly.

"Just remember, it is always you and me against the world." The way she spoke was so convincing; he could almost believe it: "forever and always." As their embrace tightened, the young man couldn't help but wonder if he was dreaming or this is reality itself.

Is he going bonkers? Of course this is a dream, but when they become so vivid and real every time he closes his eyes, Sunny begins to question what's real and fiction as the day slowly turns into night, revealing a starry sky above them. Where the entire world became so much calmer than before, it became sort of heaven, if he may add.

However, this isn't going to last forever. Time is running out, and he hadn't forgotten about his promise to the professor. Because the memories of listening to painful lectures throughout the night are so tiring, it would be best to end this right away.

"I'm sorry, Celestial, but I have to wake up now," he muttered, pulling away from her embrace. "I promised something to my teacher, and I can't just ignore it," he said, trying to sound strong and determined, hoping it won't break her heart.

"Besides, I need to go back to the real world soon." The words leaving his mouth were like a knife to his own heart. "I'll come visit you again, I promise," he added quickly, wanting to make sure she wouldn't be left out in this cold.

People have places to go and reasons for leaving, and sometimes that's just the way life is. She might not understand why he was doing it; however, she would wait for him. She had to, for she's his dream. And he is her only reason to exist in the first place. "I see..." Looking down with a slight frown, she nodded her head slowly.

"Go then, Sunny, I'll be waiting for you," the words full of sadness but also hope. "Always and forever," the last part of a whisper, made his heart stop for a brief moment.

Part of him found it extremely ridiculous to feel sentimental over a fictional character that was made from his mind. But this is what a dream does to people—creating something beautiful and vivid that feels so real that one can't help but feel connected to it.

So from this very notion alone, he doesn't want to go yet, even though Sunny will get in big trouble for this, "actually," averting his eyes away. "I decided to stay with you for the time being." This brought Celestial joyful tears streaming down her face, "so there is no need for—"

"Thank you! Thank you!" Embracing him out of the blue, her tears of sorrow are now replaced by a smile of pure happiness. "Thank you, Sunny, for making me feel alive even if it is just a dream." The words were so soft and so full of gratitude that he couldn't help but feel touched by her sincerity as she quickly let him go. "What do you want to do, my love? Go flying? Become a pirate. Or simply walk hand in hand through the forest?" She asked, a playful twinkle appearing in her eyes, "The choice is all yours, my beloved."

Blushing heavily, he felt embarrassed about being called 'beloved' so openly. Even with this, he cannot deny the fact that he is enjoying this dreamscape far too much. "Let's fly," he declared, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. "I always wanted to try it."

Throughout his lucid dreams, the only thing he can't do is fly, and no matter how much he wants to, the entire world still refuses to comply with his demands, despite how much it frustrates him to no avail. It should be a simple thing to do before realizing how difficult it is to do so.

Softening her eyes a bit, she tilted her head cutely and said, " never flew before?" She was a bit astonished. Every individual who dreams, especially those who master their dreams, has at least learned to fly in some manner. "That's...." she paused. "I've expected you to know it since I have watched you lucid dreaming all the time." This caught him off guard.

"You have been watching me?" He was a little crept out by the idea, "Why?" He questioned, his voice a mix of disbelief and confusion. "I mean, I didn't mind or anything, but..."" He trailed off, "I always thought I was alone in this, in my dreams," he admitted, slightly bothered by the new information. "Just to have someone always watching me is a bit...concerning." Although he doesn't want to sound rude by this, it's nonetheless uncomfortable to know she's there every time he sleeps.

Hearing his uneasy tone of voice, she remorsefully felt guilty. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," she apologized, her hands reaching out to hold his. "I only did it to make sure you are safe and never fall," she said, asking for forgiveness. "I should've told you sooner," her voice turning softer, "but I've been afraid you would push me away if you knew," she confessed. "I just wanted to be here for you, Sunny, and I... don't know how to..." she paused. "Be apart," the words so tender and vulnerable, he couldn't help but feel a pang in his chest.

"It's fine," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's not your fault, Celestial. I was just surprised if you put it that way," chuckling away the awkward atmosphere between them, "hey, why don't you teach me how to fly?" Changing the subject altogether to avoid the somber mood, "I'm sure you have the answer to everything," he grinned, looking up at her expectantly.

"You're like a walking encyclopedia of all knowledge, aren't you?" Complimenting Celestial with her possible vast knowledge.

She blushed, "If it pleases you, I will oblige to you and only you," she said, nodding before stretching her arms wide. "Close your eyes and imagine you are falling, but don't worry, I'll catch you," she instructed. "And when you feel as if you're about to hit the ground, suddenly jump up as if you're springing from the surface, then imagine the wind beneath you, pushing you higher and higher. That's the trick to flying," she explained. "Now, try it."

Closing his eyes, he listened carefully to her instructions. "I'm ready," he announced, taking a deep breath. "Falling, now," he imagined the sensation of plummeting to the ground. "And I'm hitting the ground; I'll jump," he pushed himself up. "Wind, I'm flying, I'm flying!"

Opening his eyes to find himself facing his no other than his pissed off professor as everyone in the class stared blankly at him with indifferent expressions, it took him a second to realize he was back in reality.


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