Chapter 66

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Unity's hand was still firmly in Danny's as they walked side by side, an unsaid understanding resulting from their developing relationship as she led him to a worn-out, damaged door.

Then the door cracked open by itself, revealing a dimly lit chamber with a warm, inviting glow emanating from the sunshine that was just barely able to make it through the wall fissures, while the windows themselves were covered entirely by vegetation and fungus alike.

Casting long shadows on the floor, seemingly being the only source of light in the room, they evoked a sense of mystery and intrigue the moment they stepped inside together.

The room was a sprawling space, its ceiling lost in darkness, with a few flickering bulbs casting eerie shadows on the walls and debris-strewn floor. Scattered remnants of furniture lay in disarray: a shattered coffee table, a torn sofa, a desk with drawers hanging open along with trash and discarded items littering the ground, a grimy tangle of broken toys, empty bottles, and rotting food containers.

Dust coated every surface, settling thickly on the shelves of a bookcase that leaned drunkenly against the far wall, its contents spilling out onto the floor in a chaotic jumble of leather-bound tomes and yellowed newspapers.

In the corner of their vision is a grand piano standing in its spot, its once-polished surface now dulled by grime, its lid perpetually ajar as if in perpetual invitation to play a haunting melody, the keys stained with dirt and cobwebs clinging to the intricate carvings of the instrument's body.

A long-forgotten music sheet was stuck between the keys, its notes faded but legible, a ghostly reminder of happier times when humanity was still alive and thriving, the silence of the abandoned space echoing with the echoes of a bygone era.

Frowning at the sight of this, Danny quickly let go of his hand from her, asking, "What is this place?" Taking a step back to observe the room more closely, "It looks like it's been abandoned for years," he commented, unable to understand the purpose of coming here in the first place. "Why bring me here? Is there something important about this room?"

Scratching the back of his own head with a mere expression of confusion now plastered all over his face, he expected her to point out something obvious that he missed, but instead, she just keeps staring at the piano, her head tilting with curiosity.

"Uuuuhhh..." She mumbled, her gaze fixated on the old instrument. "Gaahh..." Slowly raising her hand, she pointed directly at the music sheet and said, "Mmmrrrhh..."

Her eyes were wide, shining with a mixture of fascination and longing, as if remembering a distant memory, staring down at the dirty keys as if she were expecting them to magically come to life and start playing the familiar tune only to enrage her when nothing happens, causing the frustrated woman to scream feral.

With her teeth bared open and deep-rooted rage consuming her whole, Unity began to violently scratch the sides of her head in a manner that was almost animalistic, the sound of her nails scrabbling against her scalp echoing in the room. 

Blood started to trickle from the scratches, but she didn't seem to notice, too consumed by her own anger. "Gggrrraaahhh!" Danny's eyes widened in shock, his mouth agape from the sight of watching her descent into madness, her usual calm demeanor replaced by a primal, inhuman fury.

"Unity! What are you doing?!" Not taking his chance to watch from a safe distance while she continued to hurt herself more, he rushed to grab her arms, trying to hold her down so she wouldn't cause further injury to herself.

"You're hurting yourself!" Danny pleaded, his voice laced with horror and concern from the sudden turn of events that transpired before his eyes. "What's wrong? Tell me what's going on!" Shouting as he tried to restrain her flailing limbs, he was hoping to snap her out of this trance-like state before things got out of hand.

However, she refused to listen, her strength surprising as she writhed and struggled against his grip. "Aaaahhh!" screaming at the top of her lungs, Unity wanted nothing more than to destroy the very piano in front of her for not producing the sound she wanted to hear.

"Grrraaahh!" as she continued to lash out, her actions becoming increasingly erratic and violent. Danny knew he had to think fast and come up with a plan to stop her before she did something she would regret later.

Just when he thought the situation was about to get worse as he continued to ponder what to do next in resolving the situation peacefully, the sudden play of the piano's keys caught everyone's attention, producing a wonderful song that Unity has been desperate to hear: "Uuuuhhh!" Her struggles ceased immediately before she switched her attention and focused on the sound of the music filling the room.

"Mmmmm..." Satisfied by what she was hearing, she finally stopped resisting Danny's grasp, allowing him to release her as she took a few steps towards the piano, her movements graceful and fluid once more.

The soft, lilting melody that fills the air is a gentle, soothing refrain, a poignant reminder of simpler times. The notes dance and weave together in a delicate interplay, each one a precious gem in the tapestry of sound. The tempo is unhurried, the pace languid, inviting the listener to linger and savor the beauty of the music.

As the song progresses, subtle shifts in tone and dynamics add depth and nuance, with the volume swelling and receding like the ebb and flow of the ocean's tides. Tinged with a hint of wistfulness, a melancholy undercurrent speaks to the passage of time and the fleeting nature of joy.

A sense of nostalgia filled their ears. The two of them stood there, frozen in the moment, the song washing over them like a balm for the soul. Danny's heart ached with a profound sense of loss, the realization that this was a world that no longer existed hitting him with the force of a physical blow.

Once the hum of daily life had filled the air, now only the haunting notes of the piano remained, a poignant reminder of what was lost. As the final notes of the melody faded away, Danny watched in silence as Unity sat down in front of the piano, her hands hovering above the keys, carrying a mask of concentration.

When her fingers ghosted across the ivory keys, the piano came to life, its rich tones filling the room with a beautiful song. Her touch was deft and precise, as if she'd played the instrument countless times before, despite her lack of understanding of the concept of music.

The melody was lovely—a symphony of life. Each note seemed to carry the weight of a thousand unspoken emotions, pouring out of Unity in a cathartic release. Her eyes were closed, her brows furrowed in concentration, and she was frowning as if she were channeling some ancient, primal energy through the musical instrument.

The mere sight of her playing the piano with such passion and skill was mesmerizing. Danny became captivated by the scene unfolding before him. "Wow," he breathed, barely audible over the hauntingly beautiful music being played.

"Is that what you wanted to show me?"

Smiling at the simple yet powerful gesture of her playing the piano, she is amazed by what she is capable of doing despite having thought she was nothing more than a burden to the survival of their species in a world governed by the strength and skills of others.

She played a song full of emotion and feeling, the kind of music that could move mountains and break hearts, all from a special girl who couldn't properly form words or even take care of herself 24/7, showing that she had potential, hidden talent, and capacity for great things.

He doesn't know what else to say other than how proud he is to see her developing a skill, regardless of what it is. Talents are talents, and she definitely has one from this moment onwards, depending on where she is sitting.

But the longer he stays here, watching her happily play the piano without taking care of the world around them, Danny feels a sense of envy growing inside him, a nagging feeling of being left out of the experience she is having right now, making him wonder if this is worth anything to worry about, regardless of whether his jealous feelings are illogical or irrational.

While his troubling soul continues to ponder more than it can chew, he notices something familiar in the corner of his eyes.

A violin with a bow leans against a nearby chair, its polished wood gleaming in the light, waiting patiently for someone to pick it up and make music with the piano. The sight of the instrument sparks a vague memory in Danny's mind, a cherished recollection of happier times, of laughter and love and music filling the air.

He does not understand why he is compelled to reach out and touch the violin, but he cannot resist the urge. Approaching it with a curious face, he moved his fingers lightly over the smooth surface of the instrument, marveling at the way it seems to vibrate with an inner music, a symphony of its own.

As he holds the violin, Danny feels a strange connection to it, a bond that transcends the mere physical act of holding it. He can almost hear the notes it would produce—the sweet, mournful melody that would blend with Unity's piano playing to create a harmony that would bring tears to the eyes and warmth to the heart.

The instrument seems to whisper to him, urging him to take it up, to let the music flow through his very being, and to enjoy the joy of creation—the thrill of bringing something new and beautiful into the world.

Danny's fingers tighten on the violin, a shiver running down his spine as he feels the instrument come alive in his grasp, the wood seeming to pulse with vital energy and a spark of creativity and passion.

Urging him to bring it close to where Unity is playing the piano, to join her in the dance of music, and let the two of them create something truly special, something that would be remembered long after they were gone, the enduring power of art and the human spirit that still remained in their hearts ever since the catastrophe event of this once lively world.

Moving to the side of the piano, he hopped onto the surface and sat with his violin, placing the bow and strings against the wood, letting the vibrations of the instrument resonate through his body.

"I've never played the violin before," he said, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice as he tentatively drew the bow across the strings, producing a wavering, discordant note, "but I always loved the sound of it.With his final statement spoken, Danny begins to practice, the sounds of the violin gradually improving from his efforts.

The two of them, a special girl and a young man, were sitting together in the dimly lit room, surrounded by the remnants of a forgotten era, creating music that was both haunting and beautiful, forming together a timeless duet that transcended the boundaries of time and space, for in the darkest of times, there was still beauty to be found.

And in the face of unimaginable loss, the indomitable human spirit refused to be extinguished, continuing to find ways to express itself, to create, to connect, and to endure, no matter what the world threw at it.

Whether good or bad, rain or shine, 100 years later, 200 years later, 500 years later, and so on. All that matters now is that they are together, and in this moment, the world outside recedes, the chaos fades, and all that exists is the music, the silence, and the two of them, lost in the magic of creation, their hearts beating as one, their souls entwined in the eternal dance of life itself.

It is where they can find their solace in the aftermath of the apocalypse, a fleeting glimpse of hope in a desolate world that is yet to be completely destroyed by the hands of time and nature.

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