Rena's Death

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Months after Rena’s Trial.

  The tavern keeper looks around his tavern. Not a whole lot of people today but sometimes it’s nice to have a slow day, lets him relax a little. A familiar face walks into the tavern, his favorite customer. The tavern keep says “Ah hi buddy. Good to see you made it.” Favorite customer nods “Ya for while there I thought I was going to be too busy to stop by today. Which would be a shame as your cooking is the best in the city as far as I’m concerned. So heard any news today?” The tavern keep nods “Ya apparently a prison riot happened at the Coldreach Deep Mines recently. The Countess of Coldreach suppressed it though not before a cave in happened.” “Wow and she does pretty good at keeping those form happening and a cave in at the same time? That must have dented her pride. Oh, did anyone die?” “Ya, one did. That ex noble Rena died in the cave in.” favorite customer says “So no great loss then. Makes me sick to think of what she was getting away with. Think she’ll became a you know what?” The tavern keeper dismisses it “Na from what I heard she always thought she was right. How can you regret anything if you can’t see yourself in the wrong?” favorite customer sighs in relief “Oh thank goodness. I don’t even want to imagine it.”

            Meanwhile near Coldreach City. Countess Coldreach approaches a humble looking house in the countryside in the dead of night. She knocks on the door three times and hears a man’s voice say “Who fears the loss of the sun?” “Apollo” the door opens to reveal a sharp-eyed man with glowing gray eyes who asks “What brings you by boss? I was just about to go make sure Rena will be staying in her coffin” “She won’t be in it” he blinks a bit “Okay what makes you think that? She won’t have a chance to come back for at least a couple more hours.” The countess glares a bit “I hate myself for not figuring it out sooner but a prison riot that takes place that just so happens to cause a cave in, something we take great measures against on both counts, and it only takes one life? Not to mention how quickly the body was moved through the funeral process. At first, I just thought the wardens wanted such a potentially dangerous corpse out of their hands. The more I think about it the more I realize corners were cut and that no sign of a riot or weakened structure was seen beforehand. Someone orchestrated this.” Pride nods “I see. So you think she’s currently lying somewhere else then and that coffin they put in the ground started empty. So boss what’s the plan?” Countess Rachel looks stern “You are to head to the capitol.” “Why there?” “Because that’s where it went wrong for her and where Lu is. She’ll want revenge. Rather that means killing her or attaching to her I don’t know. And take the route Sin and Wrath are most likely to take here and get them to go with you. If I’m right, I doubt Rena will be alone. I’ll grab some local nights to check Rena’s supposed grave just in case I’m wrong. Now make haste” Pride nods and leaves the house in a run. The countess also leaves the house “Now more than ever Pride. Don’t let me down.”

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