Rena's Back

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Lu walks down the quiet streets of Raybrandt at night. Ever since her mind recovered enough she’s been taking walks at night as it seems to clear her head. Especially when she begins to dwell on the horrible things that Rena made her do for apparently no reason. It keeps going back to that despite finally being free. She rounds another corner and hears a voice she never thought she’d hear again “Hello Lu dear. Miss your owner?” she turns slowly to see Rena Palemare with glowing gray eyes. Along with others she doesn’t recognize wearing gray cloaks. Lu stutters “N-no. That’s…your…” Rena grins “I’m back. And with friends. They said they were directed to bring me back by the elements. I am to become the Queen this country needs. But I need a light source. And I thought who better to be that than you? So, I’ll be keeping you alive Lu. You get to live in a little cell knowing you’ll be helping your future Queen consume all that ever wronged her.” Rena’s chuckles are heard as the demon’s cackles to Lu’s ears. She was finally free. This can’t be happening. Lu chokes out “Please…no…Don’t…” Rena reaches her arm out for what seems like an eternity for Lu.

The arm retreated? Lu suddenly screams startled as a hooded figure slams between her and Rena. A feminine voice is heard from the hooded figure “So you’re that Rena lady that Millia wouldn’t stop griping about. Do me a favor will you and crawl back into your coffin. I’d rather not hear her bitch about you anymore.” Two more figures drop in beside the first. A male voice says “Well good thing the boss told me to skip the graveyard. Wouldn’t have made it otherwise.” The third figure in a black overcoat looks at Lu with glowing blue eyes and says “Don’t worry Lu. Tonight, the dead guard your life.” Lu says still scared “o-okay” Then blue eyes looks forward towards Rena and her cronies and says “So Wrath, Pride, How do you want to handle this?” The center figure says “Well I’m taking Rena. Always wanted to take out a noble. Pride should probably stick close to Lu.” The figure that must be pride chuckles “ya always was a good meat shield. I’ll make sure nothing touches her.” Wrath says “Sin, Looks like you and me get most of the fun this time.” Rena shouts at them “Like hell you corpses are keeping me from what is mine! We have you outnumbered!” Sin says “Till Envy shows up anyway.” The three draw their weapons.

            Rena growls “Get them! They dare to interfere in my destiny!” Rena raises her shield in time to block the punch from Wrath causing the sound of buckling metal to ring through the air. Rena tosses her dented shield and swings her sword taking crunching step forward nearly tossing the thing from her grip which Wrath easily dodges. Rena growls “What the hell! I can fight better then this! I know I can! And why are these roads suddenly so fucking fragile!” Wrath smirks “Well seems someone isn’t used to the strength of death.” And slams her fist right into Rena’s side crunching bones as Rena hurdles into the side of building. Wrath moves forward again but suddenly jumps back as one of the grey hoods closes in swinging an ax skillfully at her head. Wrath glares “Dam. Rena might be a joke but they sure aren’t.” She ducks under his next strike and uppercuts him with a sickening crunch and then dodges a spear strike from another. Meanwhile Sin bats a sword strike away and plunges her sword through a different grey hood and kicks the one trying to sneak up behind her  before ripping her sword out and rending the sneaker in two with it. Sin looks up to see more grey hoods coming “More of those grey hooded pricks incoming!” Pride skewers a grey hood and sends them flying into one of their comrades. And tosses another away before they get to Lu who is hiding behind Pride. Pride asks “Who the hell is helping Rena and how come there are so many of them!?!” Wrath tries once again to punch Rena only for her fist to plunge through a grey hood that sacrificed himself. She tosses him aside but has to jump back again from a claymore strike from yet another. Wrath growls “I don’t know but it’s really starting to piss me off! Dam freaks are even going so far as to skewer themselves for the bitch!” They then hear chanting from a grey hood with ornate trim and the people they killed begin to stand and shamble towards them. Pride groans “A necromancer or what a pain in the ass.” Sin kicks a grey hood away and slices a zombie like bread. Wrath throws a zombie at grey hood and says “Fuck! They planned on this! Too many I can’t get to Rena!” Pride skewers two zombies and kicks another grey hood away but not before the grew hood plunges a knife into his arm disabling it. Pride says “Uh guys don’t get hit! They got immortal weapons! Arm isn’t healing yet!” Sin cuts down two more “Immortal weapons AND they have a necromancer!?!” Wrath punches one more causing the zombie to hurdle into a lamp post denting it. Wrath says “Where the fuck is Envy!?!” Rena limps undisturbed towards Pride and Lu smiling “See Lu? My destiny can’t be stopped” She raises her sword up. Lu feels intense heat as Rena is blasted back with fire! Lu looks to where the fire ball came from. It’s Haiku, Ciel, and the Stormgrains! Haiku and Millia lead the charge crashing into the grey hoods and zombies. Leaping over them is a male wood elf with glowing brown eyes who proceeds to using the enemies heads as stepping stones on his way to the necromancer with dagger in hand! Rena screams “no no no no NO! This isn’t happening! I can’t fail while being this close again!” Wrath says “About dam time Envy!” Envy leaps down onto the necromancer plunging a dagger through is head. With the necromancer dead all the zombies collapse and the grey hoods start retreating. Rena screams “get back here you cowards!!!” She is soon surrounded by Haiku and the others. She glares up at Haiku. Haiku raises her sword and starts to bring it down but suddenly can’t move and she says confused “What?” Rena sees the rest of her foes seem stuck as well. Suddenly all but Rena are sent flying back. Normally Rena would gloat that her destiny can’t be stopped. Only the pearlescent eyed horned demonling in front of her terrifies her more then even Luna did at Crest. The rest can move again but something keeps them from getting closer. Haiku yells “Sola!” The demonling turns to face Haiku “Ah Knight Commander. As much as I wish to toss you and your friends around for fun my master doesn’t like deviations.” She turns back to Rena “I’m here for you” Rena swings her sword which brakes harmlessly against Sola as she grabs Rena’s armor, and both are suddenly gone.

            Haiku says “Leia, Ciel! Get Lu home and stand guard!” They both nod and lead Lu away. Millia asks Haiku “That was sola!?! She’s a demonling!?!” Haiku nods “Yes. It’s public knowledge that she was exiled for her behavior. What the late king forbade me tell however was that she began the process of a demonling just before that. We found out later she apparently wound up completely succumbing to it. I couldn’t stop her. Not when she came to gloat, Not when she killed her parents, and once again I couldn’t do a dam thing!” Sin tries to comfort Haiku “None of us could. She’s powerful for a touched mortal. I’m more worried about what her demon master has in store for Rena.”
            Deep in the shadow realm. Sola and Rena appear before a blue-eyed demon. Rena falls over as Draxia grins “Greetings Rena. I have great plans for you.”

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