Rena's Complaints

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Rena Palemare is walking up a mountain trail to the village of Crest. Her grievances kept piling up. First after being tossed by Captain Stormgrain, after that commoner Haiku kicked her out of the knights for her diffently legitimate complaint. Second was learning that Queen Luna was attending to business on the other side of the nation. Third it was in the nobleless county of Crest. Fourth was being told by some lowly guard that the main road was temporarily blocked so she had to either stay in the fortified inn and wait or leave her horse behind to climb one of the side trails. She’s a noble and her mind she shouldn’t have to be so inconvenienced but if she didn’t do this who knows how much more damage could be done. So, she climbed though she was still fuming about it.

            She eventully reached the village and saw that even in the heart of this county all the roads are dirt paths, and the buildings are simple wooden ones. In fact, the most advanced structure was a forge near the entrance. She doesn’t see the queen whom, from her understanding, should be rather easy to see in any place. She’ll have to talk to the peasants here. She approaches the first two she sees. One of the rock men and a female Agreian Elf by the looks of her blond hair and darker skin tone standing next to a large sword nearly as big as they are. She clears her throat and commands “You two! Take me to the queen at once!” the rock man blinks a bit surprised at anyone trying to order them around, but the elf almost shouts back at Rena “Who the hells do you think you are! This is our village, and you have no right to order us around!” Rena can’t believe yet another peasant isn’t doing as she says “If you ever talk to me that way again, I will have you hanged! Now remember your stations do as your told you filth!” The elf has a moment of realization before frowning again. “Wait a moment. I know you. Your Countess Palemare, aren’t you? You’re the ones I have been hearing rumors about how horribly you treat your people. Even supposedly throwing people in the stocks over the slightest inconvenience and giving your attitude I wouldn’t be surprised if they are true.” Rena is positively boiling at this point as her orders still aren’t being obeyed “YOU MONGERAL! When I see the queen, I’ll make sure your moved to Palemare so I can make you understand your place!” The elf practically grows at Rena shouting “That’s it you bitch!” and grabs the large sword as the rock man yells “Imara don’t!” Rena can’t believe it a peasant is daring to attack her!?! She hears someone shout “That’s enough Imara!” “But…” “ENOUGH!” Rena sees the elf rest the huge blade on her shoulder “Very well chief” She turns to see who saved her which spikes her fear again. The woman that stopped Imara has extremely pale skin and wears a black metallic mask with horns jutting out of it keeping her eyes hidden. A water demon! Here!? So far inland?! Rena manages to stutter out “Y-you’re a…a wa-wa…” The water demon speaks cutting Rena off “Yes Countess Palemare. I’m what the mortal races call a ‘water demon’. Now go talk to the queen and get out of our village. Linger any longer than that and I’ll toss you off this mountain myself for harassing these people.” Rena stutters out “J-just tell m-me where to…to go.” The water demon puts up to one of the paths leading further up the mountain “Queen Luna is further up the mountain side. She is currently resting before moving on to her next destination.” Rena quickly runs off wanting to get as far away from the water demon and crazy elf as fast as possible. She must reach the queen at once!

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