Rena's Trial

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            Duke Cody of Goldleaf, A black haired, green eyed, white skinned, noble looking man, goes through yet another file in the jurors room with the other noble heads of the country “I can’t believe no one in Palemare ever blew the whistle. How could she have kept all this hidden?” Duke Stormgrain, a gruff looking man with cyan hair, and blue eyes with an eye patch covering one eye, and white skin, responds “The problem is they did. We just dismissed them out of hand because we couldn’t believe the daughter of the late Count and Countess Palemare could possibly have such a vile daughter. Honestly even when my daughters wrote about her behavior at the Knight Academy, I still couldn’t believe the rumors.” Countess Racheal of Coldreach, a serious looking woman with white hair, green eyes with an eye patch on her right eye, and black skin says “Some say we too often forget that some people are born monsters. That despite how good parents or environment they come out beyond twisted. Though I think we more often choose not to remember. It’s not a comforting thought that not just such evil can exist, but that it can just be born that way? Hard pill for most of us to swallow.” Duke Cody sighs “Indeed. I think this moment forward as leaders we must remember. This can’t be allowed to happen again.” Duke Stormgrain says “And to think what happened with that poor girl Lu” everyone nods as Rachel says “Yes. I even almost lost my lunch with her tale. I suggest we advise the Queen of sending her to the Deep Mines.” One of the other nobles stands furious “What!?! She should be executed for the crimes against the people and the crown!” The countess counters calmly “If she’s executed there is a really good chance she won’t stay dead” Duke Stormgrain says “She has a point. She couldn’t fulfill her twisted ambitions and someone like her might have strong enough regret about not fulfilling them. And since she’s still young…” the protesting noble sits down “I…didn’t think about that…gods her as a shikibane...Ya the deep mines then.” With that they all nod and head back to the court room where the Queen, the accused, and others wait.

            Queen Luna looks down upon her court “Your verdict?” One by one the nobles declare Countess Rena guilty. Countess Rachel stands “Furthermore while her crimes warrant execution, we suggest sending her to the Deep Mines as well as stripping her of everything. And most of her horde we believe should go back into improving the lives of the citizens in Palemare.” Queen Luna says “Very well. Rena from this day forward is no longer a noble and she is sentenced to live in the Coldreach Deep mines.” Rena, who is magically muted and chained to the floor begins trashing wildly. Queen Luna continues “Furthermore. 70 percent of her treasure horde is to be redistributed amongst the citizens and to go towards rebuilding the infrastructure of the county. 15 percent shall be transferred to the royal treasury which shall also be used to aid Lu in her recovery. The last 15 percent shall remain in the Palemare treasury to fund the needs of the county. I also require recommendations on who would be best fit to run Palemare.” A noble asks “This may not be the time but since it’s partially related. What about Crest?” Queen Luna says “I already have someone in mind for Crest. Court adjourned.” The Queen and Nobles begin to file out as the Countess of Coldreach says “Come on guards. Let’s haul this prisoner back to Coldreach. Oh, and keep her muted. I’d rather not hear her yell the whole way.” Two guards unchain Rena from the floor and bind her arms before hauling her away. The countess sighs “We really failed this time. I won’t let such rumors go uninvestigated again. Duke Cody is right. We can’t forget.” She too leaves the room shutting the door behind her.

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