Blood Makes the Knight

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The Knight Commander of the Amazonian Knights, A silver haired woman with brown skin named Haiku Ironstorm, and one of her most trusted captains Lady Millia Stormgrain, a blue haired woman with white skin who is also the daughter of Duke Stormgrain, are sitting at the edge of the docks trying to enjoy a day of fishing on their day off. Millia hears footsteps from behind and quickly glances behind her seeing a blue haired human male in mages trainee garb, being practically dragged by a blond female in trainee knight armor before facing forward again and says “So much for peace and quiet. You know who is coming and she’s dragging poor jack with her.” Haiku slumps a bit and sighs as the two Millia saw catch up. The blond bows and says “Lady Millia, Knight Commander, I wish to file a grievance about my team.” Haiku sighs again “What is it this time Rena?” Rena says “I want Jack off my team. He is incompetent and bring our whole unit down” at this point the two knights sit their fishing rods down and look behind them, easily able to look Rena in the eye despite sitting. Millia asks, “What makes you think that Rena?” Rena quickly thrusts her arm out pointing at Jack “I found out he’s of common blood. So, it’s no surprise that he’s dragging us down. Everyone knows only those of Noble and Royal blood have the skills and abilities to become an Amazonian Knight.”

 Haiku’s blood just about boils again but she manages to stay composed for a few seconds “What makes you so sure that commoners can’t be knights?” Rena takes a step back a bit shocked “What! What do you mean why I think that? Commoners are vermin that only exist to work the land and serve us everyone knows that!” Once again Haiku must hold her anger down. Millia however is less concerned about that and says a hint of anger slipping in “You do know that the Knight Commander is a commoner, right?” Rena’s face instantly goes red with anger “WHAT!?! Haiku you filth! I hereby order you to resign or else! I won’t allow some filthy peasant lead the knights astray.!” Haiku finally glares “Rena! Pack up your things and go home! I will never knight someone as vile as you.” Rena looks to Millia still pissed “Lady Millia why aren’t you arresting this pretender and having her rank stripped!” Millia cocks an eyebrow “Well one, the only person who can stripe her of her rank is the Queen. Two, even if I was the queen, I would give her a raise for dealing with someone like you so patiently. It’s no wonder the whole knighthood respects her. Three. Well, no point being gentle, YOU are the one holding your team down. Jack is a promising mage and works extremely well in your unit. You on the other hand are a selfish and entitled little brat that thinks blood somehow defines you. The only reasons Haiku didn’t kick you out earlier is because she hoped you could learn the error of your ways and she couldn’t believe such a vile human could be the child of your parents, as good as they were. I would have kicked you out in the first month. Spoiled brat.” Rena yells “WHAT!?!?” and even jack is surprised. Haiku yells “Damit Rena! Go get your things and GO HOME!” Rena slaps Haiku across the face “Don’t you dare yell at me vermin!” Haiku’s face darkens a bit as she beings to stand glaring down at Rena “Go ahead and hit me again.” Rena slowly looks up and up at the raising Haiku, all 11’5” of her casting a shadow over Rena, and gulps realizing that maybe hitting someone twice your size isn’t smart. Rena begins to stutter in fear “now…now you listen here…I’ll s-sue if you touch me. A lowly c-commoner assaulting a noble? I don’t t-think you have the…the...m-money for it.”

Haiku’s anger boils even more when, too everyone’s surprise Millia quickly says “I do though” reaches back and grabs Rena’s head before lifting and then tossing the screaming Rena into the ocean. Millia gives a satisfactory sigh “That felt good” Haiku blinks a few times before turning just in time to see Rena hitting the water. “Well… that works I guess.” Jack timidly asks, “You really think I’m good?” Millia chuckles “of course you are. Don’t let people tell you otherwise.” Haiku kneels down and puts a comforting hand on Jack “You are one of the most skilled recruits I have seen since becoming the Knight Commander. Your only real shortcoming is your lack of confidence. We get that built up and you will be top of your class for sure.” Jack nods smiling “Thanks” Haiku then says “Now go back to the barracks and get some rest. I’m sure dealing with Rena on the way over here was more than a little draining.” Jack nods then heads off.

Out in the ocean Rena treads water “I don’t believe that. The bitch threw me! ME! That’s clearly an abuse of her gifts! I’m going to go find the queen before they ruin us” The deluded Rena Palemare swims to shore so she can go see their queen.

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