Chapter 15

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The months have crawled by, and Meyda felt like she was caged up like an exotic animal. Her belly had grown and she was not even permitted to take a walk inside the gardens, not that she listened. Ginat was never home these days, traveling the Eldar estate. Which was more then a weeks travel west, and she was missing him every day. Sayar on the other hand incurious her to take her walks, and even tries to push her towards social events. But for some reason or another, Meyda never felt up for it. Not after what Nava, the second Princess of Sodora, told the both of them. Meyda sighed as her gaze went over the gardens below her balcony. She wished with all her heart that Nava was alright, she has not heard one sliver of news. Not from her, not from the palace. A knock landed on the glass door, that lead into her own bedroom. She turned around, Sayar stood there with a brown envelope in his hands. Maybe it was some news from House Moriel, one of their allies, or maybe it was an invitation for a social event?

May I?” he asked, she nodded. He sat down and handed her the envelope. It was an invitation. “My sister-in-law, Atniel really wants to see you.” Meyda frowned, Atniel was the younger sister of Orphaz Sayar’s late wife and Ginat, Brandon and Katelin ’s mother. But she can’t remember if she met this woman before. “She was not feeling well during your wedding, and after that… Well life got in the way.” She knew what he meant, the rumors about a potential PURGE, then the rumors were proven to be truth, the shift a lot of these houses had to make. Meyda opened the envelope, and read the content.

A tea party,” she said. Which was nothing out of the ordinary. Just a small group of women, that come together to gossip and drink tea. “I will think about it.” But Sayar shook his head.

I am sorry, but there is nothing to think about. You are going, Meyda. I know that my son those not like it when you are away from the mansion. I understand why, but you have to show your face into secular society. Even in your condition, and I do not say this lightly. You are carrying the next generation.” He looked at her in the same way as when he told her about the royal ball. This was not up for debate, he was the head of House Eldar after all. “Shir and a maid of your choosing will accompany you, but you are going. So get dressed and ready.” He stood up and she looked down at the round table.

I am sorry,” she said.

Don’t be, I am not blind Meyda and I know that the two of you are scared. But I will be damned if I let that spoiled little brat win.” Sayar said before he entered her room. Milly and Aleen stepped out, clearly they have heard their Lord’s orders and they are ready to do their jobs.

Something, simple but elegant. And something in Eldar colors.” she said. Both of the maids nodded. Mily rushed into the room to select the dresses, while Aleen helped her out of the chair. “I feel like a cow.”

That is completely normal, my Lady.” Aleen assured her, and she appreciated it. Mily hold up a long black dress that was covered with small turquoise bead work. The back was covered and the waistline was a bit higher to give Meyda’s pregnant belly room.

That dress is perfect.” she said, Aleen nodded with pride. Aleen and Shefi have trained Mily into the ladies maid she is. And to the girls credit she was a fast learner. “Aleen you will accompany me today.” Again the both of them nodded, and Aleen started to undress her. While Mily lay down the simple jewelry that would compliment the dress. It didn’t take long before Shir and Aleen helped her on the stairs, all dressed and ready to depart.

Auntie Meyda!!” A childish voice screamed. Harel was standing at the bottom of the stairs. “Wow, you look…”

Do not finish that sentence, Harel.” Brandon said, giving the ten year old a clear warning.

What I want to say, beautiful.” Harel replied, yes and she was born yesterday. The little boy she rescued a couple of months ago was no longer there, this child was carefree and everything a ten year old should be. Brandon sighed and shook his head. “But I can’t wait to meet my cousins.” Wait what did he say, cousins as in multiple. Brandon looked as confused as she felt.

What do you mean Harel?” She asked.

I do not know, but when I dream I see not one, but two babies.” the child said. Two, he sees two. Brandon quickly looked at her.

He is shielded from his gift, but that those not mean that those visions do not come to him from time to time. Apparently, it is when he is fast asleep. Something he should have told me.” The last part he directed at Harel, and the boy just shrugged. “But his visions of the future, are not set in stone.” Again Harel simply shrugged. “With that out of the way, it seems to me that you are going against my brother’s wishes.”

Not willingly, but your father is right. I can’t stay inside this house forever, I need to show my face in public.” She said, and Brandon sighed. “And besides that, your aunt really wants to meet me, so who am I to deny her request.”

A pregnant woman, that is also Lady of this house.” he replied. “But I know my father, and I know that he doesn’t giving you much choice.” she nodded and knew that he would understand. “And I haven’t seen her in ages, I might join you later. After I show Harel to my father, that man loves to be a grandfather. Be prepared, because he will spoil your children as well.” It would be great to have some back-up.

Thank you, Brandon. You are the best,” she said. He nodded, he took Harel’s hand and started to drag the boy away towards his father’s office. Only for Harel to break free and look at her with a blank stare.

The Princess of the land filled with silk and spice, has lived a happy life. Until she fall prey to the griffon’s whims. She will be fine once the dust of the war settles.” His voice was robbed of every kind of emotion. A vision, A Princess of the land filled with silk and spice, Nava. She is the one who had fallen pray to the griffon’s, Chezi’s, whims. She swallowed, the dust of war. Will this war start soon? Will her child be born during? She hoped not, but unlike Katelin’s Nicola. Meyda’s was unborn and in Chezi’s reach.

Was that a prediction?” That was Sayar. Brandon, Meyda and Shir nodded. “Well then all I can say, is that I am glad that you are the one who found him.” He shock his head. “Otherwise his future would have being unknown.” She smiled as the boy she knew and loved came back. “We will worry about the Princess later, for now you look lovely a perfect picture of a woman in her prime and good health.” She knew that this was his way for saying that she was ready to go, and off she went.


The carriage stopped in front of a large mansion, both Shir and Aleen needed to help her climb out of it. A woman in dark red dress, black hair that already showed bit of gray and amber eyes, was waiting for her.

My, my, look at you.” was the first thing she said. “The last time I saw you was at the temple, when you head reached my hip. And now here you are, a young woman ready to give birth to your first child. It makes me feel old, in many ways then I would have care to admit.” Meyda looked puzzled, so they have met before. Only she was very little back then, was that before her half-siblings were born or after? Not that it mattered, her father never treated her like one of his own. And what made matters worse was the fact that she was not a bastard at all. She was his first born and should have being treated as much. But nothing good would come from the desire to change the past.

It is nice to meet you in person, Lady Moriel. I am Lady Meyda Eldar, Ginat’s wife. This here are Shir and Aleen.” She introduced her servants. Lady Moriel nodded and smiled.

Welcome, to my house. And with that said, lets drop this formal act. We are family after all.” Lady Moriel said, she stepped forward wrapping an arm around hers. “Lean on me, I am old, but I have some strength left in me.” Shir took her other arm and together they guided Meyda inside the house. Which looked so similar to the Eldar manor, only with a different color scheme. “Have you heard from Katelin?” Meyda nodded.

Nicola and she are fine, which means that they are running out of excuses to extent their stay in Sodora.” Meyda said, while putting a stray string of her own hair behind her ear.

Which means that your other plan is working, there is nothing the emperor can say to make us guilty of some sort of crime. And besides that, that voluntary work has made my children into better human beings. So it was a win, win situation.” Lady Moriel said. “For which I am more then grateful. But with those fully signed warrants… It will only be a matter of time, before this whole powder cage explodes.”

Daughter of the Crow, granddaughter of the stars, and great granddaughter of the griffon. Your path was led over glass, and it will continue to do so. Until the griffon shows its true colors and echoes in a new age for the realm. The only question is will be, were would you stand. With a diamond upon your head, or in a grave covered with bleeding black roses.”

It is indeed only a matter of when, and how. It is no longer a matter of if it is going to explode.

But enough about that, right now it is time for you to come under people.” The door towards a large room opens up. Inside the room were more women, who quickly rose up and started to surround her. “Ladies, ladies give her some room to breath. She is officially pregnant. And with that set please allow her to sit down first.” Which most of the women did, the only one who diged her heels in was Lady Karniel. The same one who had attacked her during the royal ball.

What is she doing here?” Lady Karniel said loudly.

She is my guest, just like you are.” Lady Moriel replied, while offering Meyda a cup of fresh poured tea.

She is a Giora!” Lady Karniel screamed. “She should be dead, just as the rest of her family!”

No, she is an Eldar. She is married to my oldest nephew and she is currently pregnant with their first born. So no she is no longer the daughter of the Old Crow. She is a She-wolf. Like you are no longer a daughter of the Black Cat, you are a Black Mare.” But those words didn’t change Lady Karniel’s stance. ”You are welcome to leave, if you do not want to be with her in one room. But I am not going to send her away, because like I said she is family.Lady Karniel stamped her foot on the floor, like she was a small child throwing a pamper tantrum, and left the room. The other ladies sighed a brief sigh of relief. Like they are glad that she gone and Meyda would be lying if she didn’t feel the same way.

Thank you,” Meyda whispered.

There is nothing to thank me for, you are family and I value your company above hers anytime.” Lady Moriel said. “That woman thinks that we all need to bow to her whims, all because her sister would have married the Emperor.”

Until my father killed her,” Meyda said, softly.

Until he killed her, but that is not your fault and it will never will be your fault. You are just the Old Crows daughter, that is your only link to the crime.” Lady Moriel said and the other women nodded. She wanted to thank them all, knowing that Sayar’s little campaign at her wedding and her appearance at the royal ball had the suspected result. She was being pitied for her past, and right here and now she needed to change that image into that of a strong young mother to be.

Dorian said that he wanted to pop by later, he told me that you were always his favorite aunt.” Medya said. Lady Moriel looked at her.

Oh, did he really. I hope he is bringing his son with him. My children will tell you that I am prone to spoil my own grand children,” Lady Moriel said.

As Sayar, Harel will not leave his office without some candy or a new toy. I believe that I talked him out of the idea of giving the boy a puppy.” Meyda said, looking around the table. “Don’t get me wrong, I would be overjoyed when my child benefits from the same treatment.”

Of course, they will. So tell us what do you hope the gender will be?” One of the ladies, probably one of Lady Moriel’s daughters, asked.

A daughter. I do not know but every time I close my eyes and think of the baby. I am picturing a baby girl, and later a young girl with black hair raiding a white pony that is being guided by her father.” Meyda said. All the women started to swoon.

And you know what, he would do it too.” Lady Moriel said. “All those men telling us they would prefer a son above a daughter, are talking horse shit. Those are the same men who would walk through fire to keep their baby girls safe. I have seen it happen to my husband, to my brother-in-law’s and now by my own bloody son.”

Don’t forget your son-in-law’s, mother.” the same woman, who asked the gender question earlier, said. Lady Moriel nodded, and all the women started to chuckle. “I still can remember, the look on John’s face when Maria was born. She is now two and he is still her number one fan.”

How many children do you have?” Meyda asked.

Two,” she replied. “Boy and a girl.” Another women replied as well, with numbers between the one and four.

Two twins, what can you do?” The woman said, while shrugging. Meyda’s hand went to her belly, twins. Harel has told her that he couldn’t wait to meet his cousins. “Lady Eldar, is there something wrong?” But Meyda shook her head.

No, I am fine. Just a bit nerves,” she said. Lady Moriel looked at her, with an intense stare.

I am so sorry my dear. But I think that I need to take you upstairs,” Lady Moriel said. “Your time has come.” Her time? Her time for what, to give birth? No that couldn’t be?

Mom, are you sure? Because she looked a bit confused.” the lady she wanted to know their name. Lady Moriel nodded slowly, and she sighed.

Yes, Ariella,” so that was her name. “She might not feel cramps, or her water is still where is should be. But she is nearing the stage of giving birth, and the main reason why I am taking her upstairs is, so that she can take a nap before that.” So Lady Moriel was looking out for her, which was sweet. A knock landed on the door and Lord Moriel entered the room, he was followed by a large group of armed man. “Rekem, what is the meaning of this?” The man where not dressed in Moriel colors, no they were wearing golden cloaks with a proud Griffon. They were Chezi’s men, what where they doing here?

Atniel, please stay calm,” he said. Which was easier said then done, Brandon also entered the room and greeted his aunt.

Hello auntie, I wished that I had visited you sooner. But can you do me a favor?” he asked, in a tone that made Meyda nerves. What was going on here? Harel appeared next to him, the boy directly started to huge her.

Father, don’t let these men take auntie Meyda. She is nearing her time.” Harel said, which earned him surprised looks from the ladies. Brandon sighed and looked at her with the same gaze she has seen so many times before. Only back then she was still in her father’s grasp, in other words before the PURGE. A shiver went through her spine, something was going on, and it was something bad. Her hand went to her belly, if what Lady Moriel and Harel were saying was true. Her time to give birth drew near, and that was not a time she wanted to spend inside the palace, where a man who hated her lived. But like when she needed to go back home with the Giora family, she apparently didn’t have any choice in the matter.

Do you really think that I want these men to take your auntie?” Brandon asked the boy, and he shock his head. “Good, that is settled.” He focused his attention back on his aunt. “Can you watch him for me. I am going with Meyda, because I do not trust this for one bit.” His aunt, Lady Moriel nodded. “Shir, Aleen, help her up and towards the carriage.” One of the armed men stepped forward.

Are orders were to bring only Lady Eldar. His majesty the Emperor, didn’t say anything about the maid, a guard and a priest.” The man said. Brandon turned to him, with an evil looking grin on his face.

To bad for you, I am afraid that you do not have a choice in the matter who she brings along. My sister-in-law is in her late stages of pregnancy and it would be irresponsible to take her without a maid and some close family.” Brandon said, leaving Shir out of the occasion. Meyda’s side lance gaze went towards her bodyguard, who didn’t seemed to reflect any emotion what so ever. She bowed towards him.

Go home, warn Sayar and send word towards Ginat,” she whispered. He nodded, still no emotion. Or verbal reaction. The men in gold sighed.

I am not going to like the part where I say no, do I?” he asked.

No, you will not.” This was Rekem, Lord Moriel. “Like my nephew states, this young woman is in her late stages, and can give birth at any time. And if you do not allow her to take at least some people with her that can help her, then I am afraid that she will not come at all. Imperial order or not.” But that would destroy everything they have done to clean up their reputation. Lord Moriel knows that this is the case, and still he was willing to risk it, for her. The man in gold sighed.

Alright then,” the group of man started to let her and her companions through. She looked once again over her shoulder, but Shir was already gone. Together with Lord Moriel, Ariella hold Harel by the hand, her mother was no where to be found either. Aleen didn’t let go of her hand the entire ride towards the palace. Brandon looked at the both of them, but he didn’t say a word. Meyda glanced out of the window, the scenery, which she didn’t take in, was passing by. Her mind kept wondering why all this was happening, and why this was happening now? And then there it was, the first shot of pain. She grabbed her belly and hissed. Brandon cursed, and Aleen who’s hand she was holding gasped.

Sorry,” Meyda said through gritted teeth.

I am alright,” Aleen assured her. “But the baby is coming, and I am afraid that we are not allowed to turn around the carriage.” Brandon cursed again, and again. The baby was coming, as a visit to a blood-lusting emperor was not enough.

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