Chapter 13

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The carriage stopped right in front of the temples lane. Large trees that were called Volaris trees were guarding the lane with their gray leaves and thick branches. People of all walks of live were walking under them, feeling a sense of protection. Children were playing inside the park while their mothers were sticking a conversation. The children didn’t show any type of discrimination they just played with who ever was available. Their mothers however sticked with members of their own class. Meyda never understood when the mind set of the children would change so much that they would follow in their parents footsteps. Shir opened up the carriage door and Milly was the first one who stepped out, with the help of Shir. She was followed by Harel, who was directly approached by a young girl. One that was wearing an expensive dress.

Do you want to play with me?” the girl asked. Harel looked at Meyda if he could and she hated to deny him this small pleasure. But they were not here for this kind of play.

I am sorry…” Meyda started.

Drora, madam. Drora Shalit.” Drora made a small bow, this girl was probably the youngest child of the Shalit house hold. She didn’t look like the other children of that main branch, but she knew that Lord Shalit had a brother that passed away recently. Maybe she was his niece?

I am sorry, young lady Shalit. But Harel and I are here to see Father Eldar. Maybe next time.” Meyda replied, the girl nodded and rushed away.

That girl, she was nice. She has suffered a great loss, and will suffer until she takes her own life into her hands. Then the two of us will meet again.” Harel said in his emotion devoid tone. Which made her skin cruel, she knew that this child was gifted. But it was still a bit creepy when he spoke like that. She took his hand and guided him over the lane. Dorian met her at the door of the temple, as if he knew that they were coming.

Meyda, what a pleasant surprise. And who is this?” Dorian said, kneeling down before Harel. Who was about to speak, but Meyda put a hand over his mouth.

This is Harel, and can we speak somewhere more private?” she asked. Knowing that the walls of the temple had ears, and she was rightfully afraid that the wrong people would hear what Harel has to say. Dorian rose up, looked at her and then nodded. He was the only one inside the temple that she was willing to trust. He guided the group of four into the temple straight towards what seemed to be his office. Where he activated a small device.

This magical device, I designed myself, keeps everything that is about to be said, between this four walls.” He explained. “So, please tell me what is going on?” Meyda opened her mouth to explain everything, but Harel beat her to it.

You are the voice of Volaris, raised to be the second son of the wolves, and then trained to be her agent on this rock. She will guide you, and warn you, as form of graduate for your service. But she will keep you in the dark, when it really matters. She will not be a devoted lover, changing you in for a younger model when the time comes. You are just someone to warm her otherwise lonely bed.” Harel said. Dorian looked first shocked, but recovered very slowly.

A seeaer, how interesting.” Dorian said. “This child is born with a similar gift as I, only I hear the Goddess voice and he sees a persons, past, present and snippets of the ones future. Normally his gift will come to him when he is much older, but clearly this is not case.” Meyda laid a hand on Herald’s shoulder.

He was inside the orphanage, where I did charity work today. He said some stuff only a select few know. I knew that he was gifted, and I also knew that he wouldn't be safe if he stayed there. His appearance, kept those with ill intent at a distance.” She said, and all what Dorian did was nod.

You did well, you are right he would have fallen in vile hands. It would have being a matter of months, if not days. He needs to stay here, until his training is complete. Which will take years, but for now I will shield him from his gift. Those visions are not suited for a child with a still developing mind.” Dorian said. Shielding his gift, is that even possible? And wouldn't that hurt the child? “Do not worry, Meyda. It is for his own well being. Some visions, like those of bloody battles, or graphic sex scenes are not for children to witness. No matter how they come to them, I will protect him from such things, as long as possible. Which seemed reasonable, she really hadn’t looked at it from that point of view. “I will train him myself.” Meyda looked at Harel, will he really be safe? He was at least safer then he was inside that orphanage, and that was the purpose of bringing him here.

Thank you Dorian. I knew that I would be able to count on you.” she said, and he gave her a soft smile. While she sat down on the bed. She didn’t know that she was this tired, but now that she thought about it. She hadn’t sat down for an entire day, not counting her time traveling inside the carriage.

Do not thank me yet, in order to keep this child at the temple I need to adopt him. Which means I need my father’s approval, and I do not know how he would react.” Dorian said. Meyda lowered her head, she didn’t know that either. “But first things first, shielding him from his gift.” Dorian spoke a few sentence’s in a language she didn’t understand. Magic was only available to those selected by Segeus, God of the Mystic, and some other individuals selected by the other Gods, or Goddesses, like Dorian. “So that is done, now let we go over to the next step. Telling the Silver Fox about his new grandson.”

Your father is a wise man, so when you inform him just tell him the truth. He knows what can happen when a child is being picked up by the wrong people. He is the one who rescued me, after all.“ Shir said, Meyda knew a little thanks to Harel. But she didn’t know everything, and she was not going to open up old wounds. She wanted to stand up, but a wave of light headiness over took her.

Shir, why don’t you take Harel and Milly out for a small walk? I want to speak with Dorian, alone.” she said, Shir nodded and left the room. Dorian looked at her, and lowered himself on the bed.

Are you alright?” he asked. She wiggled her head.

I am just tired, that is all.” She replied. “I am trying sword fighting with your brother, keeping up with my lessons, horseback lessons, your father hinted that I need to take over the household and charity work. The day has only a few hours, and I think I forgot myself.” He frowned.

Have you eaten?” He asked, she nodded. She had a few bites of that awful porridge, which shouldn’t be served to the children. But besides that she had eaten breakfast and some honey covered biscuits on her way to the orphanage. “Do you want some water?” She nodded again. He stood up and got her some. She drank it, but still the lightness inside her head didn’t subsided. “I am going to call Ginat, you do not look well.” She wanted to protest, but he already left the room. He was right, she wasn’t feeling well. All she wanted to do was lie down, and close her eyes for a moment. Which she did.


What is wrong with her?” That was Ginat’s voice.

I do not know, one moment she was fine. And just when we were about to go to the mansion, her face turned pale. I asked her if she had eaten anything, she said she did.” Dorian said.

Why was she here in the first place, I thought she was ad the orphanage?” Ginat asked, he didn’t let his brother of the hook that easily. And it wasn’t even his fault. She came to Dorian with Harel. But Dorian explained what had happened. “That sound a lot like my wife, and I believe she did the right thing. Bringing the boy here, but are you serious about adopting the boy?” Meyda opened her eyes, to see Dorian nod as a response. “Well then I will respect your decision.” He then looked at her. “Meyda, you are awake. How are you feeling?” That was a very good question, and she was not sure how to answer that. Instead she pushed herself of the bed. The dizzy spell was gone, but a wave on nausea washed over her, luckily there was a wooden bucket next to the bed. She didn’t know why that was there, but still it didn’t matter. As long she was able to use it to relieve herself, from this uncomfortable feeling. “That is the answer to my question.” She wanted to smile, but that would come later, as another wave made it impossible. “Brother fetch a doctor. I want to know what is wrong with her.”

I am already here, your men fetched me.” A man entered the small room. He knelt down and looked at Meyda, which made her feel a bit uncomfortable. But she also wanted some answers. “My Lady, may I ask when was the last time you bled?” This was a very personal question, one she didn’t want to answer while there was a whole crowed of men with her inside the room.

Last month, I believe. But my bleeding's have being irregular in the past.” she said. The doctor, a man she didn’t know nodded.

That was when you were starved, beaten. But now you life a much calmer life style, have regular meals. So irregular bleedings are something of the past, as well. Please check this with your personal maids as well. Because I believe that you show signs of an early pregnancy.” The man said. Her mouth fell open, was this man joking? She couldn’t be pregnant, Ginat and she were not married for that long. But then again it was not outside the realm of possibilities. She looked at Ginat, who looked like he was frozen in shock, probably expecting everything, but not that. So Dorian took over.

Pregnant, are you sure?” he asked, and the doctor nodded.

But please confirm it with your own doctor, Father Eldar. Just to be sure.” the doctor said. “And with that out of the way, I am going to take my leave.” The man stood up and left. That is when Ginat seemed to come to his senses, bowed and lifted her up from the bed.

I need to take you home, and let doctor Ortal take a look at you. I want to be sure,” he said, while walking with her through the hallways of the temple. They were followed by Dorian, Shir, Milly, Harel and the young Drora. Where was that child’s mother, or governess?

Mister will the Lady be alright?” the sweet innocent girl asked.

I will Drora, do not worry about me. Now go to your guardian,” Meyda replied, and the girl nodded. Meyda was sure that this was not the last time she would lay eyes upon the girl, especially after what Harel had said about them meeting once again. The ride home went by in a blink of an eye. Or that was only the case, because she had fallen asleep again. When she woke up, Ginat was carrying her towards her bed room, followed by a whole parade of people. Sayar, her maids, doctor Ortal, Dorian and Harel. But only her maids and doctor Ortal entered her room. The doctor did a few tests to confirm the pregnancy, and then left the room. Allowing everybody else to enter.

Well, is someone going to tell me what in Volaris’s name is going on here?” Sayar shouted. Meyda lay under the sheets, Ginat sat on the edge.

Meyda is with child,” he said. “I am going to become a father.” Sayar looked at him then at Meyda, who nodded and then sighed.

May the Gods bless this household and my heart. The two of you, just gave me a heart attack.” He said, before turning towards Dorian. “And please explain why Meyda was inside your room?” Which Dorian did.

Father, meet Harel. You know the temples rules, only children with a present parent can stay at the temple. That is why I am going to adopt him.” Dorian concluded his tale, Sayar once again looked at his son then at Harel. Then shook his head.

It seems that I am getting older then I thought, first Katelin’s pregnancy, then Meyda’s and now a young boy that is adopted into my family. I am a grandpa, I am a grandpa!” Sayar didn’t seem angry, or sad. He was overjoyed, that was a surprise in itself. “Welcome Harel. And who are you?” He said to Milly.

My new maid, Milly.” She said, leaning towards Ginat. “And if she lets him, Shir’s future wife.”

Tell me that you are joking?” He asked, but she shock her head. He started to chuckle. “Shefi, Aleen, at least one of you please show Milly to her room. Then the other can devote herself to get this new member of our family a bath and some of Dorian or mine old clothing.” The maids bow and left to do their jobs. Ginat placed a kiss on Meyda’s forehead. “No more sword, and horseback lessons for you my dear. You need to focus on your health and that of the baby.” She hated the fact that he was right, she had found some freedom. But now she was going to pay for the kindness he had shown her, with an heir. And she was looking forward to the day she was able to meet this bundle of joy. Her child, someone she would love, protect and do everything in her power to make it happy for as long as possible.

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