Chapter 3

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The warm water had done wonders to her aching body, again a luxury she was not able to afford until now. The only type of bath she has known has a bucket of cold, if not freezing water over her naked body. No soap, no shampoo or conditioner for her hair. No gentle but firm hand to help her with washing her back. The bathroom had the same color scheme as the bedroom off white, only with more light sky blue features and again small hints of gold. The tube was made out of blue glass that was not see through, with streaks of some sort of golden glitter. Making it look like blue marble stone. The same material was used for the basin and the indoor water closet which today was the first time seeing one. At home she needed to take care of her own chamber pot and that of her stepmother and her half-sibling if her stepmother was in a bad mood. Which was all the time she laid eyes on Meyda.

So, my lady you need to get out of the water. Otherwise you will wrinkle up like an old nana.” the fair haired maid said. Nana was an adoring word for grandma, which was common used by commoners. With great reluctance she stood up from the bathtub and was helped by the maid to step out of it. Only to be directly wrapped in a soft large piece of fabric and rubbed intensively until there was no drop of water left upon her body. Her black hair was wrapped in a smaller piece. “Lord Ginat has picked out a small selection of dresses we currently had on hand. Later today there will come a tailor, so you can order new once. The jeweler just left and Ginat has made sure that you have a fine collection of jewelry at hand to choice from, such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings and hair ornament. I myself have selected a few bottles of perfume that were left by Lord Sayar’s youngest daughter, who left the house just a couple of months ago to life with her husband and his family.” The maid led her towards the bedroom, where a couple of dresses were laid out. But almost all of them looked to big on her. “Hmm, well after a couple of weeks you will gain some weight, just wait and see. But for now, we simply have to be creative. Luckily for you, my Lady, I know just the thing that might help you.” she quickly left the room, leaving Meyda bewildered. What was the maid thinking, none of the dresses fitted her and according to the maid’s own words. All the other dresses were even bigger then the once she already tried on. The door opened up and the maid came back in, with a white blouse, a large belt and a pair of scissors. But she was not alone another maid, this one with brown hair followed her. “Aleen, start with her hair. I will be busy cutting up the dress she is currently wearing.”

You are going to do what?” Aleen asked. Just before Meyda could ask the same thing. Cutting up this very expensive dress seemed a bit over the top, but she wouldn't be able to wear the also a bit to big for her night gown all the time. Even with her limit knowledge about etiquette, she knew that it will also be improper to leave her bedroom like that.

Just do what I tell you to do, then I am going to make sure that she is able to wear something decent.” The fair hair maid said, while waiving with her hand. She already had the dress Meyda was wearing in her hands, and went to work. Meyda had pity with Aleen who worked so hard to get all the knits out of her hair. But the girl really worked her magic, and made it as painless as possible. For which she was grateful, and she thanked Aleen more then once. “Alright I am done, how far are you? O wow, my Lady you have such beautiful hair. It almost looks like the night sky. Aleen Use those red rose pins, that would look lovely on her.” Aleen nodded in agreement.

But first she needs to get dressed.” Aleen said, “So let see what in the world have you done.” The fair hair maid smiled.

Just wait and see,” she replied. And that is what they did, first she placed the white blouse on Meyda, who’s hands were softly slapped away multiple times, because she was of the believe that she could do this all by herself. After that the maid motioned her to step in the skirt. Who was still to big for Meyda. “Aleen hold this for me would you.” Aleen took over the fabric, and the fair hair maid picked up the belt. “I made a few extra holes inside the leather, so this must work.” She sipped the belt all the way to the last by her made hole. It was tight, but not to tight. The fair haired maid then took the lose fabric and started to hide the belt under it. “Alright, now you finish her hair and I will prepare the other skirts.” Aleen nodded and pushed Meyda softly back to the vanity table. Now Meyda could cast a small glimpse of the maid creation and it looked marvelously good. Even so that she was not even able to recognize herself in the mirror. Aleen added the selected pins to the creation and Meyda placed the necklace that Ginat had given her on top of the blouse.

Do not add more jewelry, I do not want them to think that I take advantage of the situation.” Meyda said, and Aleen looked a bit disappointed. But didn’t push for her to change her mind. “I will however use the perfume out of that blue bottle, the one with the dragon head on top.”

Oh I love that sent,” Aleen said, and opened the bottle to let Meyda smell it. It was a lovely sweet, but faint smell. Not as overpowering as the perfume that her stepmother was so fond off. “Alright you are done. Go ahead and look at yourself in the mirror.” Meyda stood up, and walked to the large mirror that was standing in the corner of the room. Shock covered her whole face, white blouse complimented the overly decorated skirt perfectly. The green fabric had a pattern of various flowers included soft pink roses, all the way down to the floor. The belt was no longer visible under leftover fabric. Her hair hung in a sea of curls on her back, and the few rose pins made it complete.


Alright, how long those it take to get dressed. It has being almost an hour…” Ginat’s voice filled the room, before the door swung open. He walked in and froze upon the spot. His father followed him into the room.

Do not barge into a ladies room like that, the girl has been mistreated and it takes some work to get her to a state that is …” The old man stopped talking, when he laid his gaze upon her. “Presentably,” he finished. “And apparently some rework of already good dresses.” The fair hair maid looked up and sighed.

Those dresses were simply to big for her, my Lord, and this was the only way that came to mind that could work. And still make her look good,” she explained.

And it worked.” Sayar said, with a nod of approval. “Good job ladies. The two of you would be serving lady Meyda from now on.” Both of the maid bowed their heads. Meyda smiled at Ginat, who walked up to her.

You look beautiful,” he whispered.

I do not want to go so far, son. She needs to have more meet on her bones before you can call her that. But it is a start, let us go to the sitting room. Were we can enjoy some tea, before the tailor and the perfume merchant comes.” Sayar said, Ginat nodded and offered Meyda his arm. The two maids were making some kind of noise. “Ladies.” The girls quickly stopped, and went back to their work. Meyda took his arm, slowly he guided her out of the room. The hallways of the mansion were high and wide, the ceilings were decorated with fresco's of the sky. Large paintings where hanging on the dark gray walls. When Meyda had some time for herself she would walk through these halls and study the paintings. The large double stair case that led towards the ground floor was wide enough for five man to walk on. A simple turquoise carpet was draped in the center. The sitting room was directly on their left, and the dinning room on the right. Which she was able to see because the dark wooden double door was open and some members of staff were busy cleaning the place. “Heinz!” An older gentlemen rushed out of the dinner hall. “We want some tea in the sitting room, and bring our guests there as soon as they arrive.”

Yes, my Lord.” the man said with a low rumbling voice, and bowed slightly his head. Ginat turned towards her.

Mister Heinz, is the butler here. He has worked for the family ever since my father was a young boy, if you need anything just ask him.” Ginat said. She bowed slightly her head towards Mister Heinz.

I hope that I will not be to much of a bother to you, Mister Heinz.” she replied. The older gentleman gazed at her with narrowed eyes, but said nothing in return. He just walked away, probably to get the tea.

He simply needs to warm up to you,” Ginat said, after he noticed her discomfort. She nodded her head, but she knew that was not it. It was the fact that she was still alive and still carried her father’s families name. She now only hoped that he wouldn't poison the tea to get rid of her. Sayar opened the doors of the sitting room, and she was shocked. The room was covered with with black wood from ceiling to the floor. The only hints of color was the turquoise rug that lay between the two sofa. Who had the same color on their fabric, and the shield with the Eldar’s family crest above the mantle. The black curtains almost didn’t let any light through three windows, the sun did try though. The great black crystal chandelier that hung above the black wooden coffee table was light and helped against the darkness. Meyda had to confess it was spectacular, but to cold. Ginat guided her towards one of the sofa’s and she sat down. Ginat took his place besides her, and Sayar sat on the other sofa. “Alright, lets get down to business before Heinz interrupt us. Can you read, write, calculate?”

I am educated in that, my Lord. Reading is one of my favorite things to do.” She replied.

Any other hobbies?” Ginat asked, before his father could ask anything else.

Drawing, and embroidery. Not that I was able to do that often, because that was something ladies did and my stepmother didn’t want me to forget my place.” She replied, and both men nodded slowly.

Then I need to order stuff, so that you are able to do that. Don’t you agree father?” Ginat asked and his father nodded.

A lady should have such things to pass the time, while the lord as working. That is for sure, now further with my questions.” Sayar said, his tone was a bit harsh, but Ginat didn’t seem to notice that. Meyda sighed and looked at her hands.

I know basic etiquette, history of the empire and I know the names of everyone in the major houses. Some names from the members of the minor houses, mostly their heads. I do not know how to hunt, or to ride a horse. I know the scared scriptures and I only speak the Empires language.” She summed up.

And knew all my questions, before I am able to ask them. Which is a good thing, that saves us some time. My son told me about your diet. So you never had the pleasure of having tea?” Sayar said, and she shook her head. “Then just follow our leads, if you find it to bitter just put some sugar and stir it.” The door opened and Mister Heinz entered with a few other servants, they placed the various tea service on the table already steaming with the hot drink. “Mister Heinz, switch my cup with that of the young Lady. I am afraid that she will not thatch it otherwise.” Were her thoughts so out and in the open.

My Lord I will never…” Heinz exclaimed.

We know that, but she doesn’t and from what I have seen, and heard I do not blame her for being careful.” Ginat said, her gaze went to the blouse, who covered up all the brushes on her arms. Heinz looked at her, again with narrowed eyes. That is when she moved up one of the sleeves, letting him see. He gasped, and looked at her in shock. “There are more of them all over her body.” Heinz quickly did what was told and left the room after that. “Now he is warmed up to you.”

No he pities me, like the two of you. But still I am grateful for all of this, I am not even sure if this is a dream or not.” she said sharply. “Again I am grateful, so please do not take my words as a complaint. I am simply not used to all of this.” She made a motion with her hand, and then slowly picked up her cup glanced at what the men were doing and copied their behavior as Sayar told her to do. The hot drink was indeed a bit to bitter towards her taste and put some sugar into it, and took another sip after stirring it.

Well you are a quick learner, that is for sure. So I believe you get used being treated this way in no time.” Sayar said, and she hoped that he was right about that. The door opened and two men entered the room, followed by Mister Heinz.

The tailor and perfume merchant, my Lord.” He said, he bowed and left the room once again. The tailor a young man walked forward bowed.

What a splendid day to be invited into your presence my Lords Eldar. And it becomes even more splendid to see that there is a miss among you as well.” the tailor looked at her, and she gasped. She knew this tailor all to well, her stepmother loved his work and invited him over almost every month for a new dress. He even witnessed a few beatings as well, never stopped her stepmother, because she was his client at the time. But he had treated her wounds from time to time, if it went unnoticed that is.

it is nice to see you again, mister Artal. It has being a while,” she said to him. He now looked at her puzzled at first, but then his gaze softened.

Thank the gods, you have escaped the PURGE. But that means that those dresses are for you,” he said and started to clap in excitement. “I have waited for this day for so long, I love what you are wearing now. Simple but efficient, a blouse with a loose skirt, but I do not see the belt that is holding the skirt up. Oh, I see, it is under the loose fabric, very cleaver. Alright, if you can stand up for me, then I can take your measurements for your wedding dress and all the other dresses as well.” She stood up and he looked at her with a frown. “Oh now I see why this combination was chosen. It is worse then I remembered. I am going to make five dresses with a bust that I can replace over time.” She nodded, and he went to work with his a measuring tape. The perfume merchant was busy placing all his merchandise on the coffee table. One of which was the same blue bottle with a dragon head on top.

Sir,” she addressed the merchant.

Nadir, my Lady. Sir Charly Nadir at your service.” the man said. He had light brown hair and chestnut brown eyes. She nodded politely.

Nice meeting you, sir Nadir. I have to confess that I do not know much about perfume, the maids that helped me this morning collected what from the house. Among those bottles of left over perfume was inside a blue bottle with a dragon head on top.” She pointed towards the one, which mister Artal didn’t like at all.

It is good that you try to multi task, but please do not move that much.” he snapped at her. She gave him a smile, knowing that he use to threaten Mariana with a needle if she moved to much. He however didn’t do that with her, so she was grateful for that.

Ah, the blue bell perfume. It is not as popular among the ladies, but it is indeed a sweet but faint sent. Not to overpowering,” Mister Nadir picked up the bottle, removed the lid and let first the gentlemen smell the content before he let her. She nodded, that was indeed the same sent she currently was wearing. “Perfect, well now we have a starting point. So now I have to see which others that also fit that description.” The man brought her one bottle after the other, and she simply had to nod or shake her head. Mister Artal in turn gave her a book with all kind of dresses.

I advice you to choice just five,” mister Artal said, she looked over to Ginat who nodded.

We always can order more, if you want.” he said. She nodded, but again she didn’t know anything about clothing. And all of this made her feel out of place.

Alright miss, we are also at our final selection. Which two other scents do you want, besides the blue bell?” Mister Nadir said, and she was puzzled two? Why those she need to pick two more? “So you can switch between them, which sounded reasonable. But still, five dresses, three kinds of perfume and she had heard that was including various bath products that used the same ingredients as well. This was all to much, she gave Ginat the book with the dresses.

I am sorry, but I do not feel well.” she whispered. Ginat lay the book next to him and took her hand.

Do I need to call the doctor?” he asked, all the men around her became silent. She shock her head, there was nothing medical wrong with her. Simply overwhelmed by this large influx of luxury and care.

Give her some space to breath,” Sayar said softly, he then looked at the perfume merchant. “I think the lady is bit overwhelmed. So only the blue bell flower perfume and bath supplies for now. We will call upon you again, when she changes her mind, mister Nadir.” Mister Nader nodded and started to pack up all the other products. “Mister Artal, you wouldn’t be the best tailor in the Empire if you didn’t know what suites a lady best. Please make a selection for Meyda, again we can always order more at a latter date.” Mister Artal followed mister Nadir’s example.

I will for fill your request, my Lord.” Mister Artal said. “The lady will suite any of my designs, so this wouldn’t be any problem.” Mister Artal then turned towards Meyda. “I am so glad that you escaped that horrible place, and I am happy that I finally can work my magic out on you.” He smiled and went towards the door, who slammed open and an angry man came in shouting.

Where is that Giora bitch!!”

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