Chapter 16

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Ginat knew that there was something wrong, as so as he set foot inside the manor. His father rushed towards him, in full armor, his father never wore that armor.

Ginat, thank the Gods that you are here. There is however no time to stand still and explain.” his father said. Ginat looked around, Shir rushed out of another room together with the rest of the pack. But there was someone missing, Meyda. There was something wrong with Meyda. Where was his wife? He specially told Shir, Meyda and his father that he didn’t want her to leave the house. And not without reason, there have being rumors, nothing more then rumors, but he had learned that when there was smoke there was a fire nearby. Rumors about Chezi mistreating Nava not limiting to forcing himself upon her, also hurting her in other ways. And all of that started right after her visit.

Where are we going?” He asked.

The palace,” his father replied.

Where is my wife?” Ginat asked, hoping that his father wouldn’t reply with the same thing.

At the palace, Brandon and Aleen are with her.” His father said, but that didn’t calm his nerves. Not one bit. So Meyda was inside Chezi’s grip, something he had hoped to prevent. “Also son, her time has come.” And it became even worse, she was about to give birth to their firstborn. His wife was with his cousin, who wants her dead and she was about to give birth.

Why?” He asked, why was she out of the house. His father climbed his horse and sighed.

Well I can ask you to be more specific, because why can go so many ways.” He said, and Ginat growled from the back of his horse. “I convinced her that it was a good idea to visit your aunt, who was holding a tea party. I know, I know you wanted her to stay inside.”

And with good reason!” Ginat shouted, he couldn’t believe his father. In all his wisdom, how could he make this big of a mistake. Was he deliberately playing with Meyda’s life, and that of his future grandchild.

She is Lady Eldar, she can’t stay locked up inside of the manor. People will talk.” His father said. “Shir and Aleen were with her, and she was inside your aunts house. So sorry that I believed that she was at least a bit safe.” Shir was with her, so why was he not with her now?

The commander of the Imperial army, refused at first to let anyone accompany my Lady.” Shir replied. “Your brother needed to offer someone, and that someone was me. A ladies maid, and a priest are not big of a treat.” Which was true, only Chezi knows that Brandon knows his way with a sword. He knows that Aleen was also a trained fighter, but his men apparently didn’t. Which was indeed good news. For now. The galloped away, towards the palace, knowing that they have to fight their way through to get to Meyda. Later they were joined by the armies of Tzviel, Moriel and various other houses. But not Karniel, which wasn’t a big of a surprise. What was a surprise was the fact that his aunt, Lady Moriel was with her husband, fully dressed in armor.

Hello Ginat, I am glad to see you. I wished it was under better circumstances,” his aunt said. “Do not blame your father, I myself believed that Meyda would be safe in my care.”

Clearly both of you were mistaken,” he snapped. He knew that this was not fair to his aunt, all what she did was host a tea party. And he would have encouraged Meyda to go if tensions had dead down. The palace started to appear into the distance, a gloomy structure which he always hated even when his aunt and uncle ruled the Empire.

I can’t blame you for that little outburst, but we re going to get her back. Safe and sound.” She said, and he hoped with all his heart that she was right.


Meyda, Aleen, and Brandon were guided by the small group of golden cloaks. The front man, the commander, looked nerves over his shoulder from time to time. But he didn’t look at her, his gaze went towards her companions. She was glad that they were here, especially now that her contractions have started. They arrived at a grand door, that almost reach towards the ceiling. The commander raised his hand, the rest of the golden cloaks stepped at the side.

Wait here,” he said. Before he knocked on the door. The door opened, he entered and the door closed behind him. A loud screaming voice was being heard, clearly Chezi wasn’t happy with something, because it was clearly his voice. The door opened up again, the commander was lying on the ground. His hand was raised against his cheek. Did Chezi slap this man? This man only did his job, and he was not to blame for the extra editions.

Well, don’t just stand there!” Chezi snapped. “Come in here!” Meyda looked at Brandon, who was seeding with anger. But why was he not saying anything? Maybe a last resort to keep the peace? She was not sure, but they wouldn’t get any answers if they stayed inside the hallway. Although she wished that they could. She stepped forward. “Not them, I only want you.”

Not going to happen, cousin.” Brandon finally snapped. “She is not going in there alone, at least not without me or her ladies maid.” He again tried to compromise, this time hoping that only one of them could go with her. Again she wished that there was a way for her to turn around and run. But running in general would become a bit more difficult.

And why is that pray tell?” Chezi sneered, another contraction shot through her body, but she tried her damned hardest not to show him this. “And do not say, because she is pregnant. I can see that all to well.” Brandon wanted to say something, but she grabbed his arm. He looked at her, while she shock her head. She really didn’t want Chezi to know that her time to give birth was drawing near. He nodded and sighed, he was not going to ask her if she was sure about this. Because she would have lied to him, and he knows that. She let go of Aleen’s hand and stepped inside the room. The door behind her flew shot, she was trapped.


Like Ginat predicted, there was an army waiting for them at the palace. Golden cloaks with the crest of the Imperial family, and purple cloaks with the Karniel crest. What a surprise, not. It didn’t matter, Medya was inside and he needed to get to her. Beyond that he didn’t care what would happen to the rest of his men, to the rest of this army of various houses. Meyda needed him, and he was going to make sure that he was there to protect her. Shir and the rest of the pack slammed into the first line, with their horses. The sound of clashing metal, and the screams of those who are dying filled the air. The war between the houses, has begun and nobody not even a seer like Harel can predict the out come. Quickly the scenery changed in a mess of colored cloaks soaked in blood, the smell of the midsummer breeze tainted with copper, pis and shit. Ginat was not sure how many died by his hand, but he was making his way through the crowed.

Meyda, please be safe.” he whispered.


Meyda heard the loud noises of battle inside the room, Chezi walked over towards the window. She used this time to grab a dagger that lay on the ground, not that was an easy feet to do. But she needed a weapon, something to defend herself with. The commander saw her do this, only he didn’t say a word. Probably he was still a bit stunned by the fact that Chezi slapped him. For something out of his control.

It seems to me that our time is limited,” Chezi said. “Your husband, brought a whole army.” That indeed sounded like Ginat, but how could this be? He should be inside the Eldar estate, a week ridding away. Maybe he has decided to come home a bit earlier, which was not outside the realm of possibilities knowing him. Meyda hid the dagger, inside her sleeve and placed that arm in front of her stomach. Chezi turned around with a smile upon his face, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Do you know why you are here?” She nodded, there was no point in pretending to be dumb.

Because of my bloodline,” she replied. “My grandmother came from House Oran, before she married the former Lord Inaam.” He nodded.

And you know what that means?” He then asked, he was stalking her. Like a cat playing with his prey.

I am a treat to you, that is one of the reasons you got my family PURGED.” she replied, again she saw no reason for playing dumb. That would make him more angry and with that even more dangerous. He chuckled, and sighed.

You are smart, I can see the Oran blood in your veins. And you are right, that makes you a treat.” He said, he was so close now. The sound of the fighting outside seemed to move closer. Ginat. “You should have died, with the rest of that disgusting family of yours. But no, you instead won my cousin’s heart. With a simple request for a hug. I never knew that my cousin could be this weak. We live and we learn aren't we?” She nodded, we live and learn. She has learned so much only a span of a year. She was no longer that weak girl inside the tower, she now know that she was being loved. Chezi jumped forward, with something sharp in his hand. Something she hadn’t seen there before. She screamed, and jumped out of the way. The metal of the weapon inside his hand was shimmering in the candle light, when it cut through the fabric of her dress. It was only the fabric, thank the Gods, but she knew that she needed to get out of this room and quickly. A scream became audible, the commander had pulled himself together and was holding Chezi down.

Run!” he screamed.

Meyda!:” Brandon’s voice came through the closed off door. Together with loud slams against it, the door was locked. So she couldn’t go that way, but there was another door. She rushed towards it, praying that this one was still open. It was. Another scream filled the air, this time it came from the commander. He was once again on the ground, his throat was being slight. Meyda thanked him in silence and rushed through the door, while slamming it shut. And all what she could do right now was run, even though she didn’t know were this hallway would lead her.


She didn’t know how she was able to run this long, with a large pregnant belly. But she somehow did it, only for a contraction to stop her. This one seemed worse then those who came before, and it also lasted longer. She looked around, hoping to find a place she could hide in. Until her gaze fell upon a familiar door. Wasn’t that the door that lead to Nava’s chambers? It was worth the shot, she gathered herself and pushed through the pain. She closed the door softly behind her, making sure that Chezi wouldn't have heard her. It was indeed Nava’s room, the curtains however were closed and the candles were not light. Still Meyda slowly stepped further into the room, where was Nava? Her eyes started to adjust to the lack of light, and that is when she saw Nava. She was lying on the ground in a beautiful sheer white dress, her golden hair laying around her like a halo. Her once sparkling eyes were dull, and stared into oblivion. She was dead, her lower abdomen was slightly rounded. They, the second princess of Sodora and her unborn child, were both dead The large gap in her forehead was still bleeding, tainting the golden halo. Meyda felt a pit in her stomach, this shouldn’t have ended like this. Nava should have survived all, Harel has told her as much.

The Princess of the land filled with silk and spice, has lived a happy life. Until she fall prey to the griffon’s whims. She will be fine once the dust of the war settles.”

But then again, most of his visions of the future were not set in stone, Brandon has said as much. Even her own future wasn’t set and her unborn child… She now wished that Ginat was here, but he was somewhere inside or outside the palace, fighting off Chezi’s men. Chezi the one who killed his future wife and their unborn child. Sayar had once compared him to the Old Crow, her own father, but although the man had many flaws hurting a pregnant women was outside his comfort zone. She sank down towards her knees, while pushing away a new contraction. Tears from pain were rolling down her cheeks, she didn’t hate Chezi. He was just a man who led himself be overpowered by fear. She didn’t want to hate him, only now that she saw Nava’s lifeless body, this mindset was changing. The door behind her opened.

Come out, come out where ever you are.” Chezi’s voice echoed through the room, of course he already had seen her. “Ahh, yes what a pity. She was beautiful and smart too, but she betrayed me.” His footsteps came closer and a hand wrapped around her neck. “She betrayed me and supported you, you are the one who got her killed.” No, he was the one who killed her. She had nothing to do with this, nothing. His hand started to squeeze her throat, making it almost impossible to breath. And of course, a contraction cut through her body like a knife. Her water hasn’t broken yet, but that was only a matter of time. “Ah, I know see why my cousin didn’t want to leave you alone with me. You are about to give birth.” She could hear the smirk inside his voice. “A new edition to the Imperial bloodline, and another treat to my crown.” He was going to harm her baby, he was going to harm her unborn child. Just like he has harmed Nava and hers. No, no this was not going to happen. She didn’t know how she did it, but she pulled out the dagger, turned around and stabbed him inside the throat. Blood spat out of the wound as soon as she pulled out the knife. Chezi fall towards the ground, choking in his own blood. She killed him, she has killed the Emperor. And her water broke.


Ginat rushed through the hallways of the palace, covered in blood.

Meyda!” he screamed. “Meyda!” His brother and Aleen had joined him, after he found them trying to break into Chezi’s office. Which was locked by magic. Not that it stopped him, but all they found was the dead commander. The door on the other side of the office was open wide, the only problem was that this cursed palace was massive. But again that was not going to stop him. “Meyda!” A scream replied, was that her? What was Chezi doing to her? He didn’t think twice, and rushed towards the screaming. An open door, and another scream. “Meyda!”

Ginat!” Thank the Gods it was her. “Ginat, the baby!” Fuck, he entered the room. Willingly ignoring the two lifeless bodies that were laying on the ground. “The baby is coming!” She screamed once again. Aleen shot passed him, grabbing Meyda’s hand.

Her water has broken, she is not lying the baby is coming. Brandon get some water and clean towels. My Lord carry her towards the bed, there is no time to waste.” Aleen said, Ginat picked up Meyda and lay her carefully on the bed. Her hand was soaked in blood, but he didn’t care, she was alive and she was about to give birth. And all what he could do right now was to hold that hand. If Aleen didn’t kick him out of the room that is, like custom dictated. Custom be damned, he was not going to leave her side, not again. Not even when her ladies maid insisted. Brandon entered the room with a large bowl water, followed by their aunt Lady Moriel who was holding a large pile of towels. “Thank you, My Lord.”

No, I am staying.” he said. Aleen only nodded, and went to work. Brandon was send away by their aunt, before she took Meyda’s other hand.

It is alright Meyda, you both are in safe hands now. All you have to do right now is to focus on your breathing.” His aunt said, and she was breathing with Meyda. Ginat found himself doing the same thing. Meyda clutched his hand so tight that it almost broke under the pressure, which was in his mind only a small price to pay.

Push, My Lady, push,” Aleen said from her position. “I see the head, push.” Seconds later Aleen was holding a small baby. His aunt stood up and wrapped the child in a clean piece of cloth.

Congratulations, to the both of you. It is a baby girl.” She said, Meyda looked at Ginat. She was covered in pearls of sweat. A picture of exhaustion and happiness. She have given birth to a daughter, but soon after that her facial expression changed.

By the Gods, there is another!” Aleen screamed. His aunt looked shock. “Push, My Lady, push,” The sound of their daughter crying filled the room, and only moments later another small body lay in Aleen’s hands. “It is a boy!” His aunt rushed towards the door, opened it.

Brandon, be a dear and hold your niece for me.” She said, and rushed back. Taking the baby boy out of Aleen’s hands wrapping it in another piece of cloth. “Twins, she has given birth to twins.” Aleen pushed some towels under Meyda’s dress. Meyda herself stretched out her arms towards their baby boy.

A son, and a daughter.” she whispered, her voice was so faint. “Artal and Nilith.” Those were the names they had picked out. His aunt gave Artal to Meyda and directly let him drink from her breast. Normally the children would be fed by a wet nurse.

The first feeding is the most important feeding of all, this way the mother’s body heals a bit faster.” His aunt explained. “Artal and Nilith, beautiful names.” She said. A knock landed on the door and his father entered.

Thank the Gods, they are safe.” he said, and he looked surprised by the baby in Meyda’s arms. “Two?” Artal was done with his feeding, and Meyda gave him to Ginat. How looked proudly at her.

Aleen, Auntie make sure that she gets some rest. She has earned it.” He said, and they nodded. He took Artal out of the room. His men were standing outside the door. “Princess Nava, is dead. Chezi probably killed her, and he himself has paid the price for it. Take those bodies out of the room and inform the king of Sodora.” His men nodded and went to work.

Do you mean that Chezi is dead?” his father asked. Ginat nodded, before he looked at the sleeping Artal inside his arms.

I am a father,” he whispered. “I have a son and daughter.” Brandon closed in, with Nilith in his arms. “I have a son and daughter.” he repeated over and over.

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