Chapter 5

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The morning came a bit to early to her liking, today would be her wedding day. A day she never hoped to dreamed of, but today it was finally here. Meyda slowly opened her eyes, and looked around the ivory, blue and golden room. Her eyes fall on a sleeping Ginat, while he sat in a chair. He was wearing the same simple black shirt and trousers as yesterday, not all the other stuff gentleman would wear. Her gaze took him in, she was now able to do that with out him noticing. The man had the build of a warrior, brought shoulders, strong arms and legs, but his face was soft and had gentle features. The door of the room opened and Aleen stepped in with a tray in her hands. The brown haired woman wanted to say something, but Meyda placed quickly her finger before her lips, while she pointed with her other hand towards Ginat. Aleen nodded, and then motioned with her head towards the bathroom. Meyda nodded and quickly rushed out of the bed, something she was not allowed to do yesterday, after she bumped her head against the coffee table. Ginat didn’t even allow her to sit on the balcony with a good book, come to think of it, she was only allowed to read after Sayar Eldar brought her some books and told Ginat to light up. Meyda closed the door behind her with a sigh. Aleen snickered and placed the tray on a small table that was normally used reading in the bathtub.

I am going to prepare your bath, my Lady.” she said, and went to work under the watchful eye of Meyda, who in turn eat her breakfast, which was the same as yesterday. Boiled egg, broth, fruit, and a piece of bread with a red meat pasta. Her both was full, by the time she placed the last bite of the bread in her mouth. She undressed herself before stepping into the tub, again the warm water welcomed her body. And small pains, she didn’t knew she had, were starting to diseapper. She didn’t know how grateful she could be for just warm water. Aleen started to wash her back when a knock landed on the door.

Meyda are you in there?” It was Ginat, he had woken up and found her bed empty.

Yes, I am in here, with Aleen.” she replied, “and yes I have eaten breakfast.” she quickly added before he was able to ask anything more. “Go get ready, I will meet you at the bottom of the stairs.” There came a strange sound through the door, was he laughing? She looked over her shoulder and saw that Aleen also reacted to the strange sound.

Alright, I will see you then.” He said and then he walked away. The two women looked at each other, but there were no words being shared. Bath time was not as long as it was yesterday. Aleen rubbed her dry, and wrapped her hair. Aleen guided her to the vanity table and started to brush her hair. A knock landed on the door.

Wedding dress delivery,” mister Alter called and Aleen let him in.


Meyda stood on top of the stairs in her black wedding dress, and it was growing on her with every step she was taking. It was a layered dress and the top had a heavy golden embroidery, with some small hints of a wolf in them, the crest of house Eldar. Her back was complete open, so that her scars were visible for anybody to see. This was according to mister Alter, Sayar’s idea to create sympathy by the members of the other houses. Her jewelry set was selected by Ginat, all of them were golden with night sky blue sapphires. She however didn’t wear the hails mister Alter had prepared for her, she didn’t know how to walk on them and with her recent fall, she simply didn’t want to risk it. Luckily for her mister Alter agreed, and to her surprise he had back-ups. Her gaze went down the stairs were she spotted Ginat waiting for her, in a suite that matched her dress. Black with golden embroidery, he was wearing a cape over one shoulder, on there the crest of house Eldar. He was looking at her with an emotion she didn’t rekonize, She looked down the stairs and placed her feet on the first step, then he rushed up and took her arm.

This is your first time wearing a dress of this size, so you might not being used to it. Lean on me and everything will be fine.” He said softly, she nodded and let him guide her down the stairs, and out of the door. The carriage ride was uneventful, they stopped at the temple park. The temple had always being a symbol of hope for her, every month she was allowed to step out of the house, to join her family on their visit to the Temple of the Volaris, the Goddess of Honor and Strength. It was the moment that she was able to breath, feel the sun on her skin and her stepmother and half-siblings were on their best behavior to safe face. How many times has she visited the place in the hope that a member of a major or minor house noticed how skinny she was, how many times she had hoped that her family would slip up and their abuse to her became visible to the world. But besides Dorian Eldar, nobody noticed it, and her family never mistreated her inside this park. Ginat stepped out of the carriage and offered her his hand. A small crowed of gentlemen and ladies gathered around them, the man were wearing similar capes as Ginat, all with the crests of their houses. The Emperor was there too, and also he had his hand out stretched to her. She took both hands and stepped carefully out of the carriage. The Emperor leaned towards her.

I am sorry, about me behavior yesterday.” He whispered, she nodded towards him. Not knowing why he was that angry, but he had probably a very good reason for it. Some people in the crowed started to murmur among themselves.

She is very pretty, I can see why Ginat was being seduced.”

That girl, is a Giora, it those not matter if she was the Old Crows bastard.”

Those were only the few sentences she was able to pick out, but Ginat ignored them. He simply placed her hand on his arm and started to head for the entrance of the temple. That is when her back was towards the crowed, and now some of them started to gasp when their eyes fall upon the scars. And her very bony back, this is what the Grey Fox, Sayar, wanted them to see. A priest with long black hair met them at the door, his eyes were not iron grey like Ginat or his father, but they had a small hint of green. But this was the friendly priest, Dorian Eldar, Ginat’s younger brother.

Welcome, inside the house of Volaris, the Goddess of Honor and Strength. Who has come before her servant?”

Ginat of house Eldar,” Ginat replied.

Meyda of the fallen house Giora,” Meyda followed him. “I ask that her servant to look past my shameful families name, I might be my father’s daughter, but he and the rest of the Giora family were not good to me.” Dorian nodded with approval, Sayar had taught her what to say.

Her servant, will look past your name, daughter of the fallen house Giora. Please enter and state your business before the Goddess.” Dorian said, with a simple nod and motion of his hand. The priest who was wearing black robes with golden embroidery only the symbols were a lot smaller and almost not noticeable. The temple was completely build out of the purest of black marble stone. Meyda remembered how she sat on the wooden benches, looking up towards the statue of the Goddess, who with her stone cold gaze stared at her. Judging her for her lack of strength. “She didn’t judge you for your lack of strength,” could Dorian read minds. “No, I can hear however the Goddess, who can read minds. She didn’t judge you, she judged your family for their lack of honor. You have shown more strength in your short life then most men that are now walking behind you. That is why I, after I told your father the news about the excommunication, asked you how you were doing. The Goddess knew the fate that would await you if you stayed, but you embraced that fate with a shinny spine. Volaris, is very proud of you Meyda.” She lowered her head just a little bit and sighed.

I am grateful to the Goddess,” she replied. She then looked up towards the large marble statue of the Goddess, her statue was of a young woman, with long hair. In her hands she was holding two swords, one the blade was upwards towards the heavens which resembled Honor. Only the heavens can judge who is honorable or not. The other blade, pointed towards the floor, resembling Strength. Strength was more then only physical, it was also mentally. And not all battles could be won with the sword, some are won with the mind. It is funny how Sayar embodies both of those aspects, and that both his sons were divided. The Black Wolf a warrior, and Dorian the priest. She then glanced over to Ginat, how in return looked at her.

Just wait a few minutes, and after that you are free of your families name.” he whispered in her ear. If it was only this simple, she wanted to glance over her shoulder. Knowing that some of the people behind her, would hardly disagree with him. Dorian turned around and the people behind the couple took place on the benches.

The Goddess, who is the protector of this Empire and creature of this temple, is rejoiced about the fact that those two are standing here together. Ready to join hands, and build a life with each other. They entered this temple as two different people, they will leave as a unit.” Dorian stated. “Lets hear the vows.” Meyda and Ginat turned towards each other.

Meyda, you are the strongest person I ever met. Not physically of course, but mentally. We met when I entered your filthy and rather cold room in the tower during your families PURGE. And you were ready to die. Instead of begging for your life, you asked me if it was going to hurt, and if I could give you a huge. You didn’t ask me to marry you, you didn’t need to. Because in that short period of time, I knew that I was not able to kill you. I knew that your only option was to marry someone, and that someone was going to be me. With my honor, I will serve you. With my strength, I will protect you.” Ginat said. She bit softly on her lip, knowing full well why he said all those little details about what happened, in his vows. Sayar had told them about what the Emperor had told him, the simple rumor that she had asked him to marry her.

Ginat, I honestly do not know you that well. And how could I? I was not allowed to leave the house, besides my monthly visit to this temple. But from the brief moment that we spend together, I have learned how overbearing you could be. I might be naive, and the farthest of a perfect Lady. I will learn and try to be a dutiful wife to you. And a Lady of house Eldar. With my honor, I will serve you. With my strength, I will protect you.” She didn’t look at him, she looked at the pin on his tie. Which was golden with a night sky blue sapphire. There was a small chain connecting the pin with the pin on his chest, which was shaped like a wolf that was holding the chain in his mouth. It was a fun, but small detail. But then she became shocked by a bright white light that surrounded her and him.

The Goddess, herself has approved of this match. There is no one who can protest against it,” Dorian said, surprise was audible in his voice. So this was not something that happened often. Now that she thought about it, she never heard about a couple that was blessed by the Goddess. Only individual people, and even that was rare. Not even the first Emperor that created the nation was blessed by the Goddess. The white light subsided, and they were left standing baffled. What those this mean?


Music was filling the ballroom, there were some couples dancing, some people were eating the small pieces of food that were provided by the Eldar family. Sayar’s gaze went over the guests the day went as he had planned, a lot of those who came for Giora blood were taken a back by seeing Meyda’s scars. Even more were shocked after hearing what really transpired inside that tower room, he knew that a lot of Meyda’s future battles were won with that alone. Some more battles could be added, but not by his actions. The Goddess decided to bless this marriage, which was the first time in history. He would love to know why, maybe Dorian could tell him when he got time. His gaze fall upon his youngest daughter Katelin and her husband, Mozmor Aleem. Mozmor was the head of his family, a minor house who always showed loyalty towards the Giora family, until Mozmor took the position and bend his knee before him. His reasoning, was that the Old Crow couldn't be trusted. He was right of course, but that was neither here or there. Sayar walked over to them.

Hello father,” Katelin greeted him with a smile. Mozmor simply nodded and took another sip of his drink. “I thought that I would never see this day coming, my big brother married.” Sayar nodded, Ginat never showed interest in marriage before.

The right woman, can change a man’s mind and view on things.” Sayar said. Mozmor said something along the line of an agreement.

But,” he added, “I never thought that it would be the Old Crow’s bastard daughter. I remember my father’s word about this girl very well. ‘That poor thing, Zohara is turning in her grave.’ I only do not know what that means.” Sayar frowned, those were indeed strange words. Then something hit him, Mozmor’s grandfather was not a saint either, and had married multiple women. One of his last wives was pretty young when she gave birth to a daughter. Sayar remembered the bride as a woman with red eyes and night sky blue hair, she passed her hair onto her daughter. Who had pink eyes. He tried to think about what happened to the daughter, after Mozmor’s grandfather passed away and his father took over as head of the family. It didn’t matter for now, now he wanted to discuss something else.

Katelin, I want to ask a favor of you?” he started. “Meyda does know nothing about etiquette, bookkeeping and all that other stuff that would make her a lady. Ar you willing to tutor her?” his daughter looked at him, as if he became a mad man. But then her gaze shifted toward Meyda. Who looked like a lost puppy inside the ballroom, to afraid to offend anybody, so she was silent, her gaze cast towards the floor. “She will be an easy student, she is pretty smart.” His daughter shock hes head and sighed.

I will start with her the day after tomorrow, first etiquette, then bookkeeping.” she said. “She is after all family now.” He nodded and smiled, he knew that his daughter would say yes. “But, father am I crazy or is Ginat pretending to be drunk?” His gaze snapped towards his eldest son, who was wobbling on his feet. While he tried to make his way towards his new wife.

He is, a lot of the people will not except Meyda’s marriage until it is consummated. But the girl has been through hell and back, so he is pretending to be drunk to give her a way out. At least for tonight.” Sayar said. Katelin shock once again her head.

The things we do for love.” she said with a smile. “I better get over there and help him with his act, as a responsible younger sister.” She walked of, and grabbed Ginat by the arm. “Meyda, can you help me. I think my brother had one to many.” Meyda looked up and rushed towards them. “Just take his other arm, and we both guide him out of the room.”

My wife is an incredible woman, loving, dutiful and smart. I still do not know why you gave your consent for our marriage.” Mazmor said.

Easy, she would have married you anyway. It was either that or lose her, so that choice was not hard at all. I love my daughter, and I am able to see that you are treating her like a queen. But Mazmor if you ever think of straying…” Sayar said and Mazmor nodded.

Sir, I fear the wrath of my wife more then I fear you. And I know what you can do. I am not my grandfather, or my father.” He said, and this at itself was already a good quality in Sayar’s mind.

Speaking about your grandfather, I wanted to ask you about some details.” Sayar started and then he started the whole story about one of the young brides of his grandfather and their daughter.


Thank you for your help, Katelin” Ginat said, as soon as they were out of ear shot. He could have known that she would figure out that he was faking it. He knew his limit when it came to alcohol and if he was honest with himself, he would say that he was not far from that limit. But he was not as drunk as he portrayed himself to be in the ballroom, but he hoped that he sold it pretty well.

It has being my pleasure, big brother. And I think you sold it, take Meyda upstairs. She has being through quiet the event, and Meyda.” Katelin turned now to his new wife. “Your lessons in etiquette, will begin the day after tomorrow, I will be your tutor. Father didn’t want to invite more strangers into your life, so he asked me.” Meyda nodded and smiled.

I hope that I will be a good student,” she said softly, this melted his heart. She was just so unsure of herself, that was something he needed to change. He needed to lift her up, and make her see that she is worthy. She is no longer the bastard daughter of a dead man, she was now his wife, a Lady of the Eldar family. She was beautiful and smart.

You will be a very good student,” he interjected with a passion he didn’t knew that he had in him. “Again thank you, sister. Now I am going to take my wife upstairs.”

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