Chapter 18

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The sound of large explosives were heard near the palace, which woke the two littler babies up. Meyda who was standing a front of the large mirror, being dressed by Aleen. Shot towards their cradles, Milly took Artal and she took Nilith. Slowly rocking them back to sleep, mister Altar stood by the mirror shaking his head.

“I really can’t blame the little ones for crying their lungs out. Those scared me,” he said, and all of them nodded. “But now that they have calmed down let us finish my masterpiece shall we. I can’t believe that I am dressing the Empress right now.”

“I am not just the Empress,”Meyda countered, he rolled with his eyes, while placing some pins inside his mouth. Meyda laid Nilith back in her cradle and let Milly do her thing. She was truthfully a wonder with small children, probably from all that time spent inside the orphanage. Mister Altar circled around her, the long black dress with small hints of turquoise and gold fitted her still healing body perfectly. But she had expected nothing less from a genius like mister Altar. The dress itself wasn’t heavy despite the many layers. A knock landed on the door, she didn’t have to guess who was on the other side of that door. Ginat has checked up on her every half-a-hour and those explosives from earlier has speed up the progress slightly. He entered together with Sayar.

“Is everything alright in here?” they both asked. Meyda nodded, Sayar made on direct line towards the cradles. He was a devoted grandfather, to all his grandchildren to which she was very grateful. Even though Artal is no longer the heir of House Eldar. Neither was Ginat, and Nilith was a women. It was not impossible for a women to become the heir of a house, Lady Moriel was the heir to her house, but that was after it became apparent that her mother was no longer able to get more children. And her father was not planning to marry another, younger, woman. But will that also be in the cards for Nilith? Or would she be able to give birth to another son? That was still not out of the realm of possibilities. She hoped so, she loved both her children and wanted to have more in the future. Only with a slightly less dramatic birth. She sighed once again, Shefi placed a large golden necklaces to see if it didn’t class with the dress.

“No, no. That one is to bulky.” Mister Altar said, and sighed. “You need those night-sky sapphires, you wore on your wedding day.” Shefi nodded, rushed back towards the jewelry box, picked the jewels and then rushed back. “Perfect,” it was if he planned it all along. Which wouldn’t surprise her. Now the dress was done, the jewelry picked out. Aleen was already waiting for her hair and make-up. Another knock landed on the door, this time it was Harel and Brandon.

“I see that her Royal Highness is almost done,” Brandon said mockingly.

“If those people outside didn’t insist on ceremony, then this wouldn't have taken so long. Those explosives, the shouting and all that, woke up the royal children. And the Empress as a dutiful mother needed to calm them every time. Despite having a maid that is very capable handling the childcare.” Mister Altar said. “Which is a compliment,” was it a compliment? If he said so, well she was going to take it anyway. Aleen stepped away from her and nodded, her hair was woven into a single braid and her light make-up matched the dress.

“She is all done, all hail the Empress.” Aleen said.


The streets leading towards the Temple of Volaris were overcrowded with people. All of them wanted to see the new Imperial couple. They waved at them with all their hopes and dreams of a better tomorrow, no pressure there. Meyda and Ginat waved back at them, while holding their hands below the window. Both of them were nerves, not knowing what the future may hold. The carriage stopped, and Ginat jumped out in his suite that complimented her dress. He reached out his hand to help her out of the carriage. The crowed behind them shouted their names, cheered. Small flower peddles in various colors covered the long road towards the Temple, but they also rained down from the sky. Which was a nice touch of magic, most likely provided by Sun ben Lion, the Imperial wizard. Ginat guided her over the path, just like a year ago. Was it being only a year, since their wedding? Maybe a few months off, but not by much. She couldn’t believe it, in this year her life has changed so much. From a bastard, to a Lady of one of the oldest houses in the empire, to Empress. She has given birth, learned how to trust, cherish and love. And all because the man that was currently walking next to her, gave her one simple hug during the PURGE of her family. All because he had a kind heart, and wanted to safe her. She glanced over at him and he did the same.

You have come a long way, Meyda.” He said loudly enough to overpower the crowed. She nodded, knowing that he was thinking about the same thing. They entered the temple, heads held high. Brandon stood in front of the statue of Volaris, Harel was next to him. Holding a pillow with two crowns, there were two chairs placed facing the Lords and Ladies that had gathered to witness. Ginat helped her into her chair, before taking a seat in his.

We are here gathered inside the gaze of the Goddess of Strength and Honor. The foundation on which this empire was built, the last year we have seen what true strength looks like. Strength to overcome once past and to fight for once future. Volaris blessed this couple on their wedding day and right now she is blessing them again with the power to lead this nation.” Brandon said. Harel walked past Ginat’s chair and stood before him. Brandon took the first crown from the pillow. “Do you, Ginat of house Eldar promise to rule this Empire with Strength and Honor? Will you protect the weak, and serve justice?”

I promise, with the Gods as my witness.” Ginat replied. Brandon placed the crown on his head. Before turning towards her. Taking the last crown from the pillow.

Do you, Meyda of house Eldar promise to rule this Empire with Strength and Honor? Will you protect the weak, and serve justice?” He asked her.

I daughter of the Crow, granddaughter of the Stars and great-granddaughter of the griffon, promise this, with the Gods as my witness.” she replied. Brandon grinned, those were Harel’s words when they first met and all of this marked her right to the throne. He placed the crown upon her head, sidestepped.

Then with the power that was granted by the Gods, I say. Sharix greet your new rulers!”

All hail, Empress Meyda, All hail, Emperor Ginat.” The crowed chanted. Medya and Ginat stood up, they were crowned. And now the first order on their list was to get rid of the PURGE.

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