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Tacoma by Night: October Tales (2023)

By ValentineDM

11440 4 0 27212

Night falls on Tacoma, the same as it always has. But something is cooler these nights. Cripser, sharper, darker. Throughout this grungy city, not only do the Vampires spread, but so do all manner of dark otherworldly creatures. Some hold their delusions...

The Wolf and the Source

By Soulhaven

8681 0 0 0

The world needs her. She needs him. He... just wants to have a good time. Through no fault of his own, simply a matter of timing, Ekon has found himself in the possession of the mantle of his wolf pack's Alpha. It's a privileged role that comes with far too...

Die Hexen vom Wyrmwald

By Bernsteinschmiede

53524 10 10 13248

Es war einmal eine böse Hexe, die lebte im Wyrmwald und fraß jeden, der ihrer Hütte zu nahe kam. Bis ein junger Hexer vorbei kam, sie in ein Huhn verwandelte und in die Hütte einzog. Als er dann auf die Schnappsidee kommt, den Werwolf einzufangen, der in...

Rain Heart

By BlueWildfire

23177 1 0 9712

Whispers of war echo throughout the three packs of the Valley of Wolves. Jakharo, alpha of Rainwinds, has been defeated, and his killer, Daichi, has taken his place. Dacko and Nadja, children of the overthrown alpha, along with their friend Gärn now face...