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Alternative History

Sabrina (Knox #3)

By TheOutsider3119

52927 0 0 215401

Your mother is a kick-ass black-belt karate instructor and English teacher. Your father? A combat veteran Army Airborne Ranger paramedic with a penchant for saving lives on and off-duty. So, what are you going to do with your life? Something unexpected,...

A Glass, and Darkly (Knox #2)

By TheOutsider3119

39640 0 0 153727

Terrorist rage pierces the heart of the United States in a shocking and brutal attack. The attack jolts the country from its naïveté in one, horrifying instant. Jeff Knox, his family, friends, and neighbors are shaken from their comfortable lives in that same...

A Charmed Life (Knox #1)

By TheOutsider3119

81671 0 0 252230

Will you be content to drift from situation to situation, to sail the course charted for you by others, or will you take charge of your life and chart your own course? For Jeff Knox, a teenager about to start high school in Enfield, Massachusetts, choosing...

Die Hexen vom Wyrmwald

By Bernsteinschmiede

53535 10 10 13248

Es war einmal eine böse Hexe, die lebte im Wyrmwald und fraß jeden, der ihrer Hütte zu nahe kam. Bis ein junger Hexer vorbei kam, sie in ein Huhn verwandelte und in die Hütte einzog. Als er dann auf die Schnappsidee kommt, den Werwolf einzufangen, der in...


By TimeBender

29815 0 0 0

After accidentally bringing three complete strangers from different universes to Earth, an alien girl's life goes nuts all at once. This has been unlocked for the public to read! Feedback is helpful. Adding more of the story as I write it!

Stories from the WAMA

By KajetanWrites

20067 4 0 2258

A collection of short stories about students and lecturers from the Warsaw Academy for Magical Arts. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to real-life people, organizations or events are unintentional. Cover image by Almos Behtold from Unsplash

Ruby Mage

By KajetanWrites

8391 0 0 640

Ania Kot is a 23-year-old student at the Warsaw Academy for Magical Arts. Recently, she crafted a ruby dagger, a magical weapon that enhances her abilities. With it, she is ready to stand up to the Elementalists, the most powerful magical gang in Europe....